Chapter 12: Sugarplum?

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A/N: Apologies for not updating for so long!
Anyway, as promised, here is the Horrorlust Chapter-

Warnings will be placed throughout the chapter instead of being mentioned here. Although they're pretty much the same as the others.

Of course, this is a smut/lemon chapter but for once it was fully accepted.

Horror just came back from visiting his brother in his Au. He didn't want to spend the night hearing his boss and best friend fuck each other- All he could hear was his best friend screaming. It was horrible...

Nightmare had called Horror over for a mission. None of the others can do it since they all got their boyfriends pregnant apparently. Though, Nightmare hasn't heard from Cross yet. But the others already know what he did.

Horror arrived at the meeting room where Nightmare was waiting for him.
"I'm here now, Boss." Horror said, telling Nightmare that he has arrived.

"Ah good, just in time." Nightmare said, turning to him.

"So, the mission I'm gonna assign to you is at an AU that you should investigate inside a weird random portal outside the castle. I don't know how long it's been there, but it need stop be investigated, and you're the only one who's available right now." Nightmare explained.

"On it, Boss. What Au is it?" Horror asked, determined to finish the mission.

"I don't know yet, that's why I need you to find out." Nightmare stated.

"Should I have the coordinates insted then?"

"No need, the Portal is located just outside the castle, near the huge tree near the wall."

"Alright. I'll report back here once I'm done, Bye Boss." Horror told Nightmare, and started to walk out of the meeting room.

The castle was quiet today.

No shouting and loud laughing from the others or even arguing.

Maybe because mostly everyone evacuated to their boyfriends last night because of how fucking loud Killer was--

Horror soon found the portal Nightmare was talking about. He sighed,

"Alright, let's get this shit over with..."

Horror walked into the portal, a flash blinded his eye sockets for a few seconds till he was in the place he needed to be... Underlust...?

Monster all around him, wearing strip clothes, fucking in public, people cheating on others every minute. They all disgust Horror. He didn't want to be in the open so he went to Grillby's. What used to be a bar is a strip club. As he walked in, there were already drunk ass monsters flirting with him. Horror just groaned and ignored them, he came to the front of the strip club, where Grillby was serving Drinks.

A crowd was applauding, clapping, whistling, and cat-calling at someone upfront.

Lust was there. Dancing on one of the stripper poles on the stage, people eyed him lustfully as he drew their attention, throwing paper money at him.

This was Lust's job. A stripper at Grillby's.

Horror moved towards the crowd wondering why most monsters had their attention to the front.

When he got close enough, he saw Lust. It seemed like he was wearing a fake smile, Horror came up closer, practically right next to Lust.
For a few minutes, staring at him, Forgetting to say what he wanted.

Lust just did his final move and stopped with a pose, claps and whistles coming from the audience, his big fake smile on his face.

"Thank you my dear Sweethearts for enjoying the show~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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