Jake Muller - Back in the Fray.

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Your POV.


The last of the giant B.O.Ws had fallen heavy to the ground, its flesh melting away, fizzling into fumes.

I sigh with relief as Jake finally swings down to me with acrobatic finesse.

"Show off"

"I have my talents, you got yours superboy~" he nudges my arm playfully.

I roll my eyes in defeat.

"You know I hate that" i mutter walking over to Chris and Piers, a smile forming on my face.

"Im glad we can finally meet Chris, I'm a old friend of Claires" I say cheerfully.

He smiles.

"(Y/N) right? She talked alot about you"

His eye looks past me as his face morphes to a serious state, feeling a hand on my shoulder, gazing as Jake stares the BSAA down.

"He's with you?" Chris asks as Jake simply furrows his brows.

"Hes under my protect-" I go to speak but he cuts me off.

"Can we get outta here, never liked jarheads that much" he blurts out as Piers charges forward attempting to get in his face.

"Big talk for a wanted insurgent!" He spits out, getting in his face, a calm and collected nature spills over him.

I intercept them and turn towards my partner.

"Is now really the time for that?" He shakes his head at my words and walks towards the plane getting ready to set off.

"Ill wait for you" he yells as i try to make ammends with Chris, quickly shuffling onto the plane where Jake sat in one of the seats.

I sit across from him as the pilot takes off to our next coordinates, why cant he just keep it zipped for once.

"You're giving me that look again (Y/N)" he mutters under his breath.

"Am I wrong to do so? You cant just insult the BSAA like that Jake" I try to warn him but he shakes his head.

"Ive dealt with dunderheads before, I also dont want your lecture"

I flare my nostrils and cross my arms in a huff.

"Im wasting my breath"

The ride was pretty quiet after that, it was uneasy...but at least were gaining on the end soon enough.

Just gotta deal with his snarky attitude for a few hours at least.




"(Y/N)!" I open my eyes in surprise at Jakes shouting, realising I had dozed off...

But then the plane shook vigorously, sending me from my seat onto the metal floor.

"Whats going on?!" I ask as Jake pulls out his gun.

"We got company, and its the bad kind!" He staggers to the end of the ship, where a massive arm plunges in from the outside.

Grabbing his arm and bashing him against the hull of the plane. I rush over to help but hes pulled out too quickly, losing track of him.

I sprint to the pilots seat where a shaking guy sat  as he watches our persuer jump from multiple planes around us.

I couldnt see Jake.

"Move! Man the guns!" I yell at him as we immediately switch places. Guiding the plane ahead of the others, while working on my ear mic.

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