Pt 2 Alexios of Kepphalonia - The Eagle Bearers Request.

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Your POV

"When will I see you again?" I asked him, worried he may just leave.

"When the job is done, hopefully without getting caught, Ill be making my way right back to you~"

As he looks down at me, the height difference shining graciously in my favour, getting a full view of his glistening chest through his fabrics and armour. He goes to leave and then pauses for a moment.

"If I was to get caught, how should I proceed?"

The question was a dark one, but I had no love for the general that stole my fathers bow, an heirloom that was rightfully mine.

"Do what you have to...I wont cry over lost souls"

He smirks, but it seemed like it was an answer he wasn't expecting.

"As you wish...I'll be seeing you soon, (Y/N) of Phokis" he calls out from behind his shoulder, his hood dragging over his hair with tiny golden bangles plaited into the strands.


He pauses again and for the fastest second he swirls on his feet, his eyes dark underneath his hood, despite the concern they placed over me.

"You didn't tell me your name Misthios"

"Alexios...that's all you'll be getting out of me, winemaker~"

And with that parting goodbye, he leaves my home and me to my own devices, After such a riveting conversation over wine I found myself, dizzy but also, infatuated. After a couple of days had passed I wondered if he would be making his way back soon but that wasn't the case, after a week and a day I began to worry about him, I noticed while we were talking all the cuts and scars along his arms and shoulders, he wasn't afraid of a fight, I could see it in his eyes the moment we spoke.

It didnt take long until the second day after a week of nothing, no letter, no sign, nobody in the market square had seen him and he had already made a name for himself here in Phokis, multiple stalls say he's a large payer, a kind soul and a brutal Misthios. I chose not to take notice of it at first. but the more I spoke to people of him, they swore no matter what, if he was given a job he would get it done.

After another day of investigating I decided to take matters into my own hands, taking the bow I had made for myself and get dressed in my hunting armour, I had recently started hunting snakes that were roaming around in my garden and making pelt out of their skin. I also have enough time to stash a few bottles of my wine in my bag.

I already knew the location I sent him to so that's where I should head first, jumping on my horse parked outside and rushing along the dry road in the west direction to the Athenian territory. Megaris had recently been won back by the Athenians and the general I was after was situated in an encampment nearby, possibly full to the brim with soldiers and captains. This was the main reason I wanted Alexios to steal my bow back, it would prevent me from getting overwhelmed by Athenian forces, I was a good shot but not in closer range.

After a hefty ride and a numb ass, I hop off my horse and tie it to a tree nearby the camp, I didnt want to be seen in case Alexios had been taken, or worse...killed.

Fort Geraneia was a larger fort than most and just looking at the front gates show many people to encounter. But height is my advantage and i will take it, spurring from my horse with my bow and bag readily at hand slinging both around y shoulder and scaling a few rocks just outside the wall preventing me entry.

It didnt take long to spot all the men of importance the captain, the Polemarch and the General.

Each were a challenge but I couldn't spot Alexios in any of the holding cells on the outside, meaning if he was still alive I could free him and we can both get to bow and leave.

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