Joel Miller - Last Night (Edited)

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Your POV.

As all three of us rush into the abandoned house, me, Ellie and Joel were panting from the run of our lives. Clickers man...never too far behind. We could here them on the other side of the door as we barricaded it with mine and Joel's backs, Ellie quickly jumping to the lock and snapping it shut with a loud click, letting me and Joel break loose from the door.

"Thank fuck for this house...wasn't interested in being Clicker food" Ellie whispers as Joel nods.

"Yeah, same here kiddo"

I take a deep breath, looking anxiously to the window where the infected clambered around to find a way inside.

"We should rest, we'll feel much better in a house than out there" I say as I strip my backpack and put my pistol in the back of my pants. I walk into the messy living space, there was scattered newspapers and magazines coating the living room floor and the fresh stink of mould was emanating from upstairs, the carpet barely hanging on to the creaky stairs.

Guess the apocalypse left so many dents in regular life, being born into it just felt normal. I never got the chance to have a normal life after everything happened, the outbreak started when I was only young, the only thing you learn in this world is how too survive.

"Same, could do with a breather" Ellie said sitting on the dusty sofa, coughing and spluttering as she jumps back up in surprise, picking the dust away from her mouth in disgust.

"Dont get too comfy, we dont know what might be in this house, I'mma check upstairs" Joel said as I nod to him, there was an understanding silence as I stay close to Ellie, making sure she doesn't wander too far.

"I'll watch careful Joel" I said, concern lining my voice. We had only been travelling together for a month, I was originally travelling with a man and his little brother until fate brought us together...before he killed himself after his brother had been bit. After that, it was an easy decision to go with Joel and Ellie.

We separated. I go into the basement with Ellie by my side, gun in hand, being as quiet as I could possibly be. Silence filled the empty space. It was scary to me that silence could be the difference between life and death here, but out of all the options, I break.

"Stay here"

"Are you kidding? I'm going with you (Y/N)"

"Not this time"

Making sure she was staying still I take a few steps into the dark, my torch flickering in the dark ominously while a chill races up my spine. As soon as I was sure it was clear I take a step back to Ellie before something grabs my leg, making me fall against the stairs with a loud thug.

"Oh fu-" Ellie yells as she rushes down the darkened stairs to help me as I scramble to get away from the vicious grip of whoever or whatever had took me. Looking to see it was a crusty looking infected, porous mushroom like cysts sticking out where its left eye should be, attempting to bite at my arms and hands. 

Then with a sickening crunch, Ellie saves me with her flip knife, jamming it right into the creatures skull with ease. I was panting heavily in panic for a second before standing and dusting myself off. clasping Ellie on the shoulder gratefully.

"Nice save kid"

"I told you we should've stuck together" She says, a happy and smug look on her face as I direct her back up the basement steps after checking the rest, deciding it was clear, I head back up to ground floor and notice there was a heavy silence coming from upstairs, Joel unseen and unheard. I start to edge up the stairs as Ellie sets up the cooking station for the tinned beans we found earlier today.

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