Nightwing - The Bat and The Owl Part 3.

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Your POV

It had been a month.

A long month at that, Crimes all over had been eradicated, Clayface or better known as Basil Karlo had been apprehended, Freeze was dispatched a second time and most things were still, Gotham was a lake without ripples.

With all the knights work on uprooting the Owls and their nests, the inside of the Court had been its most hectic in years, they knew a traitor was amongst them and distrust ruled the corridors. Sly glances and grand arrangements of loyalty as they clawed at their status for safety from prosecution. I was running out of time.

I was walking the halls to the main hall and study, spotting something move in the shadows in the left corner, I turn swiftly and try to catch them but I was met with a hard punch to the mask, I was stunned when my attacker persues me and knocks me to the ground, cuffing my hands behind my back.

"Get off me!" I yell as multiple voices sound.

"You got him?"


"Good, get him into the Chamber and make it quick"

"Yes sir"

Two people heft me up and with a struggle I bare my teeth, my mas cracked down the eye slit. It was the Court, they'd found me out. Two henchmen carry me in their strong arms and escort me into a secret room to the side of the hall even I was ignorant to. They push me inside with the man who had ordered the others, his mask was different, gold plating and a purple rim along the eyes.

It was the Voice of the Court, Jacob Kane.

"Evening (L/N), they rip the mask off my face without care and cut my cheek, blood trickling down my cheek as they remove their masks as well. His smug wrinkled face was smiling down at me, my knees digging into the hard flooring with a wince.

"Mr Kane...What a surprise, that wrinkle cream really isn't working out for you is it?" I bite back, an attempt to appear stronger, when inside i was close to crumbling...Its too close to my fathers death, I refuse to die like this.

He shakes his head and leans down on the desk that occupied the centre of the room.

"Oh (Y/N), you were always a surprising member of our ranks...after your father was revealed to be a traitor...we all assumed that you'd leave and try to forget about wrong we were, you started to train, worked harder than any recruit to get this position and now?" He lifts his hand in an order as his goon slides a tablet in front of me, on the screen was Grayson and I.

It was footage of us leaving the Nest, when he last saw me.

"I find you...Fraternising with the enemy...I'm so disappointed (Y/N), truly"

"You know exactly where you can send that Disappointment" I growl in anger as his goon puts pressure on my arm, the tension sending a searing hot pain through my shoulder.

"That's why I like you though...after everything you've been through, you're still fighting...I want you to at least try to save your skin" He provides the tablet again and shows myself on the screen, ready to record.

"Lure them"

I chuckle under the breath i let out.


"Please (Y/N), if you don't, then how will Mr Grayson get closure after the two of you had grown so close"

I bite back my retort, I'd hate to hurt him that way...but with everything at stake it was far too risky. I nod my head as he smugly smirk and presses record. It looked like a live stream, every bit of my cheek and shoulder were burning with pain, but I clear my voice

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