Pt 3 Alexios of Kepphalonia - The Eagle Bearers Request.

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Your POV.

Alexios and I had finally made it all the way home, and by the looks of Alexios he could really use some rest, I guessed I could to and hop off my horse, preparing to head inside while Alexios remained outside on his horse, I pause and look back.

"Not coming~"

He looked hesitant, as if he was warned to stay away from me.

"You dont trust me?"

"No, its not that...remember how I told you about the Cult of Kosmos?"

"You mentioned it yes, but you were very reluctant to give anything away other than the fact they ruined your past...does that have something to do with it?" I asked him as he finally relents and hops off Phobos, walking towards me.

"You are a very nosy man, are you sure I am right to trust you?"

Something in these words stir in me an anger I didnt think Alexios could bring out, hastily reaching into my pockets with a lot of drachmae inside, tossing him it as he fumbles to catch it.

"Here, if wanting to know you'd do your job and get back safely is nosy then you can take your pay and leave can't you?"

"Hmmph, fine with me"

I rush inside and slam the door behind me, I could hear Phobos huffing for awhile before Alexios finally gets on and leaves, I sink a little, regretting my decision already but stubborn enough to not chase him, if he wanted me to keep my distance, then he succeeded. I grab some food I had stored in some wicker baskets and plop them on the table in my front room, angrily munching o myself, grapes, cheese and bread with my homemade wine made for poor company, sadly thinking back to how we shared a moment on the way here.

After about an hour I had drunk a whole bottle, and was wallowing in a drunken state of happiness, my fathers bow in my hands as I swing it around with its gorgeous swirls getting more beautiful and curlier by the second I spun it, nocking an arrow in it and aiming at a cup full of grapes I had stacked t burn the hours away after spending such an intense time with Alexios.

I furrow my brows and release, the arrow soaring thing the grapes and pinning the vine to the wall where the grapes hung unharmed. I run my fingers over the bow and more painful memories of my past shadow me. My father and sister.

"You're really good with that bow~" I heard a familiar gruff voice from behind me as I instantly aim my newly nocked arrow at the voice, but drop my aim when I see Alexios perched on my bedroom balcony like the last time he was here. Though his eyes were glazed and a goofy grin on his face, shrouded by a blush that wasn't terrible on him.

"What are you doing here? Thought I was too nosy for your liking?"

 He hold his hands up in peace and hums for a few seconds in agreement.

"I know...I know, it was rude...I was acting like a donkey"

"I get it if you're scared about sharing your past, I am too...Im sure both of us have been through a lot..."

He hops inside off the balcony and slips on a stray grape left on the floor but expertly catches his balance.

"Are you drunk?-"

"I went the local bar to...spend the drachmae you gave me...and I felt bad about how I left things with you, despite me being fine you still travelled a long way just to see if I was alright" His words weren't too slurred, but I could tell he was speaking genuinely.

"Nobody has ever done anything like that from me...but I picked up something else at Geraneia...something on the General I killed for you"

"What was it?"

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