Count Dracula - Weak PT1.

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(This Drac is based on the UK show of the same name, check it out its great)

Your POV.

I awake in my bed, the night sky getting ever so darker as my skin crawls with uncertainty.

Ever since that man was brought to this nunnery in budapest i had to see him for myself, raging about the one being ive been looking for my entire life.

Luckily the matron allowed me to take refuge while Jonathan was here, if what they've said is true...he'll come for him tonight.

And as if on cue i hear loud commotion coming from the courtyard, screaming woman errupted all sounds.


I rush out of bed, getting my knife and stake, one can never be too careful with the devil himself.

After slowly creeping the hallways i find the courtyard, all the nuns held together infront of the gate, a large black wolf stalking the only escape.

But also the only entrance too.

I walk my way down the stairs as bats screech above us, its so loud i can barely hear the nuns cowering in fear, the mother superior approaches me.

"What evil have you brought upon us?!"

"I didnt bring anything, hes here on his own accord!"

I approach the gate where the wolf was, its growls growing louder.

"Evening Count...what kept you?" I say as the wolf stands on its hind legs, leaning its front paws on the gate, his eyes on me.

"The bats are loud, do you mind?"

He howls swiftly, all bats dispersing into the night air.

As quickly as its done the wolf shrieks and yelps in pain, whining before flopping on the floor dead.

The Mother superior clings to my arms.

"My goodness...hes dead?"

"Waiiit..." I say patiently.

A minute passes by silently, the scared wimpers of these women interupted by the Counts hand shooting out of the wolfs stomach, ripping it open slowly.

They scream in fear as i simply watch.

Blood sprouts out in all directions, ruining the lovely blessed ground we stand on.

After being halfway out, his torso and hands covered in matted chest hair, blood glazed his body as i smirk.

"So this is what you do for fun? I took you for more of an aristocrat"

He smiles, his fangs hanging menacingly at me.

"I do many things for fun...but you have something of mine" his voice was gleeful, his condecending grin only growing more at the sight of nuns.

"Its been so long since ive had a good nun~"

I turn to the mother superior and hold my hand out.

"The keys"

"You cannot be serious?!"


Her trembling hands passing over the keys to the gate as Draculas eyes burn into mine.

Stepping out of the wolf's carcass and presenting his fully naked body to us.

Walking closer as he growls at me, his teeth only getting bigger.

"Listen carefully Count...I wont repeat myself"

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