Pt 1 Alexios of Kepphalonia - The Eagle Bearers Request.

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Your POV.

It was a particularly hot day in Phokis, I had just finished hunting the last of those pesky boars trying to snatch at my grapes, the Vineyard I owned was one of the best investments I have ever made, these Spartans are so easily pleased if you get them drunk enough.

But alas it has been a long while since that Misthios (Mercenary) had came in my time of need, when the bandits surrounding Apollos temple had cornered me after receiving my one prophecy. They were insistent on handing over all my drachmae (money) or they'd slice my throat and leave me to die.

I must've been so scared because I remember being unable to speak. Until a hooded figure from above slaughtered the bandits before me in a few fell swoops. a half broken spear in his left and a sword as sharp as anything I had ever seen.

I thanked him and he pulled down his hood and the mans face was as clear as day in the moonlight, there was a lovely stubble growing around his jawline and his eyes were a simmering hazel.

"Well, that could've been a lot worse for you had I not been scouting" his voice was so thick with confidence and the way he looked upon my frightened face could've killed me itself without any effort.


"Yes, I've been tracking a man, last lead I had was on top of that mountain over there" he flips his thumb behind him and points to the mountain not too far away from us.

"'re a Misthios yes?"

"Of course"

He looks me up and down as if observing me.

"Anything I can help you with?~" he said with a sumptuous smile, winking his left eye and placing his hands on his hips.

", take this"

I frantically dig into my pockets and give him the rest of my drachmae, he looks down and his eyes open in an alert and surprised way.

"This is 3000 drachmae, this is-" he goes to decline but I cut him off.

"Enough I'm sure, come, I may have a task that you can attend to to get some more~"

I smile and walk as he warily follows slowly behind me, he was fairly silent and he had already put his hood up again. After saving my life I'd assume he'd be more trusting but it wasn't the case. He finally initiates conversation when we were but a few meters from my vineyards steps.

"So, those bandits had a reason for targeting you, and 3000 drachmae is a lot of money...who are you?"

"My name is (Y/N), those bandits must've gathered about the makings of my vineyard"

He huffs in response, closer to a laugh but he pauses for a second.

"Hah, everyone and their fucking vineyards"

"Well, judge all you want but as you said...3000 drachmae is a lot of money~" I turn back from him and begin to walk up the steps, I worked hard to make the growing season go as smoothly as possible with a few helpful hands. Perhaps a deal over a drink may help him ease up.

After a small few moments the two of us reach the top where my house lay atop it, a tiny balcony standing just outside the window to my bedroom.

"Welcome to Paradise"

"Paradise? all i see are grapes and-"

He pauses when he looks over at me, catching me glancing at him, making him take another breath in again.


He coughs and walks over to the wall and knocks on it.

"Hmm, solid wall, you build this yourself?"

"No, obviously, but I did put to it just like everyone else who helped"

He smirks and begins to climb the building with skilled expertise, scaling to my balcony and sitting on it with a chilled demeanour.

"Well well, what a large bed, what on earth does one person need so much space for"

"All the better to share it with?~"

He chuckles and chucks down something in a bag down to me. I open it up and see a single orange triangular object, it was glowing ominously at the very bottom of the bag. I give another glance up to him to make sure I had his permission, gaining just a nod in return i reach down and grasp my fingertips around it, feeling energy pulsing from it faintly.

"What is this?"

"Its the piece of something, and if im being completely honest, I dont really know what it is".

"And where is this..."Something" you're talking about?"

He gives me a serious look and with a sigh he jumps down. I give him the bag back with the thing inside and watch as he attentively grasps at it, his rough and calloused hands brushing against mine.

"I have spoken enough, tell me, why have you brought me here?"

"To drink"

He cocks his eyebrows, I smile and pull a cup from a table resting outside my front door handing him it. Then grabbing my own and the jug next to it, pouring us some of my homemade wine.

"And the meaning behind this drink?"

"To see if a Misthios has good taste for wine~"

He takes the wine on his lips and almost immediately he hums with delight, tasting it and licking his lips afterwards.

"That's-like no other wine I have tasted"

"My own special recipe, and now I know you love it, we can get down to business" i say bringing everything and him inside to a table with a few sparing stools. He sits on the opposite side of me and drinks the rest of his wine.

"Want some m-"

"Yes, Chaire (thank you)"

I pour him another cup and right as he goes to drink from it again I stop him by speaking.

"So the business I speak of is of a sensitive matter actually"

"How sensitive are we speaking?"

"I need you to steal something for me, from a highly know general in Athens"

"you're certainly holding back something, what am I retrieving?"

"A bow"

He pauses and takes a very long sip of his wine.

"That's it, a bow?"

I shake my head.

"You wouldn't understand"

He takes my verbal warning and doesn't speak on it any further, instead, he switches to a much easier topic.

"Despite the deal, and the great wine, you aren't the worst client I've ever had"

"I bet you've got some good horror stories~"

"Oh you should believe..."

A distant look in his eyes sends him off in thought, I take the moment and break him from it by grasping his lightly.

"Will you do it? get my bow?"

"Of course, but he discussion of payment is still to be had"

"You needn't worry about it, ill make sure you're fully repaid"

He looks up into my eyes, his hand not moving away from mine.

"Im sure you wont disappoint~"

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