Joel Miller - Troubles Part 2.

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The distant echoed screams and shrieks filled the outside air with what could only be known as clickers and runners. Joel kept behind me as we scaled buildings and rotting cars, circling around the walls of Boston for the entrance back inside now my business was finished.

There has to be a simpler way past the patrolling guards, but after our last conversation I realised I regretted what I had done.


He paused as I did and I turn to face him, the shade of half destroyed skyscrapers basking us in dark shadow under the moonlight, dark had set in quickly by the time we were even close. 

"Do you regret anything?"

He goes awkward and fidgeting under my gaze, messing with the holster of his pistol strap, buttoning it and unbuttoning it. Finally he approaches and the warmth of his body radiated near mine.

"I regret most things, you?" his voice was somber, I could only see his eyes in this lighting.

"Too many"

There was a quick moment of quiet before he takes my shoulder and continues forward, walking side by side in the natural silence of the outside. Trees rustled and grass swayed together like a symphony.

"Why did you stop helping me and Tess, you were good at it ya know?"

"There was too much going on, I needed to stop before it went too far Joel...I already told you this" I was a lot more patient about everything since the hangover dissipated. But the thought's of our older escapades ached at the back of my mind. Threatening to spill again. I change the subject.

" and Tess still on or off these days?" I could hear the rumble in his chest next to me when I look over, his eyes not meeting mine.

"Off, have been for awhile now..." He seemed genuinely saddened by it, not like him to be so open, especially with me. I don't say anything and hope he elaborates.

"She seems to think I have some death wish...just tryna protect her but no, shoulda known id get with a woman who needs no one...not even me"

The sentence bit me, there was sadness, yes, but there was also spite there too, like he poured so much into someone just for it to fall short. I found myself feeling more secure with him, his weaknesses more in tune with mine than I thought.

"I'm sorry to hear."

We approached the entrance to the tunnels and crouch down beside it, passing by the couch to the plywood laid over the hole. I go to lift it but he beats me to it and huffs the wooden slab up and holds it open for me.


I drop down and right as my feet touch the ground I hear something. A whirring sound than rose in tone and right as I look up to Joel I see it, a large flashing light that shone through the crack as Joel slams it down.

"Joel!" I tried to be quiet but the slight panic in my voice as I hear him scurry to hide, the lights get brighter and the whirring sound turned into a rumbling when the car stopped just outside the building. Joel was nowhere too be seen and the sounds of multiple footsteps sound overhead as my hand covers my mouth to stifle any breath or peep.

"I swear I heard something round here! search the area, no stragglers can sneak into Boston or its our heads on the line!"

They had dogs. I could hear the patter of their claws on the floor above me as they stiff around, if they caught Joel's scent then we'd be done for. They  get closer and closer to the slab of wood where I was cowering, trying to hide in the dark as best I could. When the dogs nose peeks right near the crack, a large shrieking sound erupts from outside with following gunshots that sent the dogs crazy with barking.

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