Count Dracula - Weak PT2

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Your POV.

As i come to my senses, i find i was in the middle of a nicely lit room.

Candelabras lay near a large table.

"How do you like it?"

I whip my head around to see the Count slinking down a stair case.

His eyes burn into me.

He wasnt wearing a cape anymore and was equipped in a tightly fit waist coat.

My brows furrow.

"And i thought this place would look better"

"I dont make the world i project it...this is your desire after all~" he says flashing me his fangs.

I take a breath and it doesnt feel like breathing.

"This isnt real"

"No, quite right~"

I sit down at the table as he sets up a chess table.

"The guest may choose first" he says standing next to me, he was a good head higher than me, and his eyes had a black dead tinge to them.

I observe the peices, the game is halfway done, but the white is losing and the black might win.

I sit on the white side as he smirks.

"The losing side i see"

"How can it be the losing side when neither have won yet"

He hums at my answer, sitting down on his side.

"I want to know you before i die, so lets play"

He looks up from his planning.

"Im not going to kill you~"

I move my first piece taking out one of his knights.

"Well then you better hope I don't kill you first"

He smiles again, it looked much more heartfelt than in Budapest but then again I knew he was draining me as we speak, there has to be a way out.


The game goes on, taking many of his pieces and he took some of mine, the nuns that raised me taught me how to think ahead.

Thinking about it now I had no idea it could've saved my life.

"Tell me, what were you planning after you raided the nunnery, were you going to go back to your castle and wallow away from the sun?" I say a smirk rising on my lips.

Entertained by the Counts hospitality.

"I was planning to go to London, if you must know"

"And what were you planning there?"

He leans forward for a moment, attempting to get in my face.

"World domination"

I scoff.

"Please, don't lie to me"

He laughs under his breath.

"It would've been so easy, but a Van-Helsing? now why would I give you up so easily?"

"You wouldn't its why we are here right now right?" I lean forward as well, he sniffs hard in front of me.

"You don't smell of really aren't scared of me are you?"

I sit back down, taking my turn and putting myself in a great position.

"Checkmate, and not even a little bit"

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