Chapter 5

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"OhMyGosh! You're hiding from Voldemort!"

Chapter 5

Malfoy jumped off the bed and slapped his hands in front of my mouth.

"Could you keep it down! You are so loud! If my father hears you he's gonna know that you were listening."

"Mmm mm mmm," I tried to mumble into his hand. He moved his hand and let me speak, "How would he know I was listening to him? Maybe you told me."

"I couldn't have told you because I made an unbreakable vow never to tell."

An unbreakable vow! This must be really really bad.

"Wow, it must be really serious," I said calmly, but inside I was starting to panic.

"You have no idea," he looked down, staring at the floor, "so... what all did you hear my father say?"

"Well..." I wasn't sure what I was supposed to tell him. Would he get mad if I said too much? I'd seen Malfoy mad before, and it definitely wasn't something I wanted to experience again. As if he could read my mind, he answered my questions.

"First, I promise I won't get mad, no matter what you say. Second, I can't read minds; it was just really evident on your face that you were afraid to answer." He smiled his perfect smile, making me weak in the knees.

"Okay, well he said that you had failed a mission and that you were now on some sort of hit list. I never thought I'd ever hear your dad sound worried or scared," I remembered the soft tone he used when he talked about Draco.

"Was there anything else?"

I wondered if I should mention the rest, "No, that's it."

"Alright, well that's all you're gonna get, unless my father decides to tell more, but I really doubt that."

Before I could say anything, Nana came into the room.

"Mel, Draco, if you could both join us in the living room."

We walked out into the living room to see Mr. Malfoy standing by the window, staring into space. He turned to acknowledge us.

"Everyone sit so we can explain what's going to happen."

Malfoy looked confused, but I'm guessing we both were. After we sat down, Mr. Malfoy began to explain.

"So Draco, with how things have been going home, I have decided that it is no longer wise to keep you there."

"What do you mean?! You're kicking me out," Malfoy jumped out of his seat.

"No, I am not kicking you out; I'm having you stay somewhere safer. As I was saying, you are going to be staying here with Mary for the rest of the summer."

"WHAT!" we both yelled. I stared at him in disbelief, while Malfoy looked at him with what seemed like betrayal. Malfoy spoke first.

"You are leaving me here with the freak and her filthy muggle grandmother! What have I done to deserve this?!"

I turned to glare at him. This was one of those times I wished I had laser beams coming outta my eyes like Cyclops.


Nana stood and put her hands on my shoulders, quietly telling me to calm down. Eventually I cooled down enough to sit and just glare at him. Thinking he would bitch back at me, I was surprised when it was his father who spoke.

"Ms. Knight, I don't think the name calling is appropriate," he turned to his son, "And Draco, you will never refer to Mary as filthy. She may be a muggle, but she is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. You will treat her with the utmost respect."

I gawked at Mr. Malfoy while Malfoy just mumbled quietly to himself.

"Now that we have that settled, we will be leaving Draco. You are to come home with me and pack all your things, you will be returning here tonight," Mr. Malfoy stood and headed towards the door, "Thank you again for doing this for me. I greatly appreciate it."

"It's my pleasure to help you Lucius," she turned to Malfoy, "Draco, we will be having dinner at 6 o'clock sharp if you would like to join us."

"Umm... sure, whatever," he turned and walked out the door.

After Nana said goodbye to Mr. Malfoy, she closed the door and headed to the kitchen to start supper. I went and joined her.

"What is going on?! Is this some sort of sick joke!"

"No honey, it's not a joke. Lucius has asked me for a favour, and I am helping him. Draco will be staying with us for some time and you are to be nice!" she scowled at me.

"I'll be nice if he is," I told her. Not that that will ever happen.

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