Chapter 4

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"Draco, please, tell me why you're here," I asked him in my calmest voice. He looked me dead in the eyes.


Chapter 4

"Protection? What do you mean?"

"I... I can't say anymore, I've already said too much," he stood up and started pacing back and forth in my little room.

I didn't try to get him to confess anything again. Instead I watched him pace. I might not have been a big fan of Malfoy, but I could tell that something was really bothering him.

"You know you can talk to me if you need to right? We may not be the best of friends, but I'm, always here for you to talk to," I smiled at him. Instead of the scowl I thought I was gonna get, he smiled again.

"Thanks Mel, but I don't want to bring you into this mess," he started pacing again.

OMG he just called Mel, that's a first! And his smile, swoon! Wait, this is still Malfoy, I have to stop thinking this stuff!!

"Well seeing as you're looking for this protection at my house, it seems as though I'm already a part of this so called mess."

He stopped for just a second to stare at me in shock, and then went right back to his nervous walk. Finally fed up of this game of 'guess what I'm thinking', I stood up and stopped right in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Okay, first of all, stop with the pacing, you're making me nervous! Second, either you can tell me what is going on, or you can get the heck outta my room and go join the adults, because I am so sick of this stupid game. You have 5 seconds, so start talking."

"I can't! Yes you are right about already being involved, but the less you know the safer you are! Why can't you just accept that! Geez!"

"Why can't I accept it? Because I think its total nonsense! I think you just don't want to tell me because you know that it's bugging me, and you just want to torment me, that's why! This is absolutely ridiculous!" Then an idea popped into my head, "well if you don't want to give me answers, then I will just have to go to the source."

I ran out of the room towards the living room. I say that Nana and Mr. Malfoy were still talking. Nana looked horrified, while Mr. Malfoy looked, well, scared. Not something I would've imagined possible. 

Without thinking of the consequences, I hid in the kitchen, carefully trying not to make a sound as to not be caught. After a minute, I was able to make out their voices.

"Lucius, I understand that you want me to protect Draco, but to do that I have to know what I'm protecting him from," Nana was trying to get the same information I had been trying to get from Malfoy.

"Mary, I know you want to know, but I can't tell you for your own protection. All that I can tell is that he needs protection from someone who is greatly feared in our world. Draco failed in a mission and is now on a hit list. I know I have messed up my life, but I regret trying to involve Draco in my endeavours. I wish I could take it back and protect him before it got far enough that it may cost him his life."

I never thought that Lucius Malfoy would be the kind of man to cry. And even though I couldn't see his face, I could hear it in his voice. All those years Malfoy complained that his father didn't love him, when he just didn't know how to show it.

Before I could disappear back into my room, Nana came into the kitchen, surprised to see me.

"Melanie Knight, have you been listening to our conversation? I thought I told you to go to your room." Nana only ever used my full name when she was really mad, so she must have been really pissed.

"Umm... no, I just came to get a glass of water. I was just heading back to my room," I lied, and luckily, she believed me.

"Oh, alright then, I apologize for jumping to conclusions," she smiled and headed back into the living room with some tissue and a glass of water.

Not wanted to get caught again, I headed back to my room. As I closed the door, I heard someone clear their throat. Damn, forgot he was in here.

"Hey, I just went to get a drink," I gave him a nervous smile.

"Sure," he didn't believe me, "so did you get any info from my father?"

Crap, he knows what I was up to, I can't let him know. When he mentioned his father, I remembered what he had said. "... All that I can tell is that he needs protection from someone who is greatly feared in our world..."

"OhMyGosh! You're hiding from Voldemort!"

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