Chapter 3

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I looked towards the door to see Malfoy heading back into the living room to join Nana and his father.  

What was that all about?

Chapter 3

I stared at the door, trying to process everything that had just happened. Okay, so Malfoy was being nice all of a sudden, why? This makes no sense! And why are they even here? I've gotta talk to Nana ASAP!

"Nana, can you come in the kitchen for a minute?" a yelled towards the living room. I heard her excuse herself and come join me in the kitchen.

"What's wrong honey, I heard yelling before."

"I have two questions. One, how do you know Lucius Malfoy? And two, what the heck are the doing here?!" I whispered at her. Her face went from concerned to amused.

"Honey, to answer your first question, I have known Little Lucius since he was a boy. I used to babysit him when he was young and his parents were busy. As for your second question, I don't know the answer yet, why don't you join us in the living room and we can both find out," she smiled and headed back towards the door.

Mumbling to myself, I walked out of the kitchen to join everyone in the other room. Lucius and Malfoy were sitting on the couch across from Nana; whom was sitting in her rocking chair. I sat next to Nana on the La-Z-Boy that I loved. We sat in silence for a few minutes, everyone seeming uncomfortable to break the silence. Nana finally decided she was sick of the quiet.

"So Lucius, as much as I'm hoping this is a purely social visit, I have a feeling it isn't. What do you need my help with little one?"

"I'm not so little anymore Mary, but..." Nana cut him off.

"You'll always be little to me Lucius, there is no point trying to fight it," she laughed her melodic laugh. I was watching Mr. Malfoy and I thought I saw him smile for a minute, but when he saw me watching, he glared.

"Anyways, you're right; this isn't just a social visit. What I need to tell you has to be kept in complete confidence, therefore you're granddaughter is going to have to leave the room," he sneered in my direction.

"Lucius, there is no need for that, but if it is your request, then all you have to do is ask politely," she turned to me, "Mel, would you mind going to wait in your room? I promise we won't be long. Young Draco can join you if you want."

I looked at Draco quickly and then back at Nana with a shocked expression.

"Sure, I'll be in my room, Draco can come if he would like," I said, not expecting him to want to join me. To my utter surprise and horror, Malfoy stood up.

"I would love to join you Melanie."

I stood up and walked over to my room, trying to close the door before he got there, but I was too slow. Before I could completely close the door, his foot stopped me. He pushed the door open as I backed up and sat on my bed.

"Alright, spill Malfoy, what are you doing here? Come to torture me out of school too?" I focused all my hate towards him in my glare. Doing something I never thought I'd see, he flinched. Like visibly flinched away from me. I didn't mean to scare him, I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really confused as to why you're here," I told him, trying to show that I was legitimately sorry.

"Well first of all, I didn't know you even lived here; so no, I'm not here to 'torture' you. Second I'm here for reason that I can't discuss," he looked away, as if afraid to look me in the eyes.

"What do you mean you 'can't discuss'? Just tell me why you're here!"

"You really don't want to know," again, he still didn't look me in the eyes.

I slowly lifted my hands, place them on his cheeks. Carefully, I turned his head so he had to look at me.

"Draco, please, tell me why you're here," I asked him in my calmest voice. He looked me dead in the eyes


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