Chapter 8

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Oh my god, what am I gonna do?! I can't do this! My soft cries turning to sobs. I need help!

Chapter 8

It didn't take me long to figure out who could help me. I sat at my desk writing her a letter.


How is your summer going? Mine's was going ok but something came up. I can't tell you in this letter but I really need your help. You're my best girl friend Mione; we have been through a lot together. I hope you don't freak out when I tell you what's wrong. Let me know if you can come by soon. Don't tell the boys that you're coming, they might worry and come too, but I can't have them here yet, not until I figure out how to fix things. Hope to hear from you soon ? 

Mel (L)

I tied the letter to Angel's foot (my snowy owl) and sent her on her way.

Hope this is the right thing to do.


I stayed in my room for the next few days, only coming out for food and bathroom. Every time I came out Malfoy and Nana would ask me what was wrong, but I just ignored them. On the third day, I saw Angel flying towards the window and jumped up to meet her.

"Melanie, what is that letter? Why have you been moping around all the time, it's been three days honey. Please talk to me," Nana begged. I looked up at her, acknowledging her for the first time in days.

"I'm sorry Nana; I didn't mean to make you worry. I can't talk now though; I have to write back to someone."

Before she could argue back or stop me, I turned and ran up to my room. Just before I got to my room, I noticed that the door was slightly open.

I so don't have time for this right now.

I pushed it open to see him sitting at my desk going through my stuff.

"What are you doing?!"

He spun around quickly, his shocked face showing that he hadn't thought he was gonna get caught.

"I'm, uhh, I'm.... looking for you," he smiled, hoping I would believe him.

"Really, well you knew I was in the kitchen so why would you have come up to my room?" I glared at him. "What. Do. You. Want. Malfoy"

"I just wanted to talk to you. You've been acting really strange ever since that night. I just want to know what I did wrong, I --"

"You didn't do anything wrong, it was just, I was surprised, that's all," I really hoped he would let it go.

"It's more than that," damn, "because otherwise you wouldn't still be acting like this."

If we keep going like this, he is eventually gonna figure it out.

"Malfoy, it's nothing okay? Can you please leave; I have a letter to answer."

He finally saw the letter in my hand and started interrogating me about it.

"Who is that from? What did you tell them? Do they know I'm here?!" he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

"It's from no one! It's none of your business, it doesn't concern you!"

"If you told anyone that I'm here, I'm gonna kill you!" He glared at me. The saying 'if looks could kill' came to my mind. Then he turned and stomped out the door, slamming it in the process.

What a pain in the ass! But at least I'm finally alone.

I opened the letter and read her response.

Hey Mel, 

My summer is going good so far. You're my best girl friend too?. What do you mean something come up. Missy, if you are hiding something major I'm so gonna kick your butt. I will be there tomorrow morning at 10, and you are gonna spill everything. I won' tell the guys right away, but if these is serious, I'm gonna have to tell them Mel. We all worry about you and I don't think they would like the idea of being left out. They are a little overprotective of us, if you hadn't noticed?. I'm gonna arrive my floo at exactly 10, so be ready for me. Would it be too much to ask to have some of your Nana's amazing cookies? Can't wait to see you! 

Mione (L)

She is coming so soon! I expected to have at least a few days to tell Nana and Malfoy.

There was a knock on the door and Nana peered in. Malfoy was right behind her.

"Mel, I don't want you to think that I am trying to intrude in your life, but I need you to tell me who you wrote to and what you told them, especially if there is anything involving Draco. That could put us all in danger Melanie," she watched me carefully; probably hoping I wouldn't explode at her like I did Malfoy.

"Nana, I promise there was nothing about Draco in it. I wrote to Hermione, that's all," I smiled a convincingly.

"Oh, okay honey. Well that's good then, how is she doing?"

"Well, umm, she's okay...."

Malfoy heard me hesitation.

"What else?" he demanded.

"Well, she's kinda coming over tomorrow morning for a visit," I bit my lip.

"WHAT!" they both yelled, Nana in surprise, Malfoy in anger.

"Umm, yeah, and she was wondering if you could make your special cookies Nana," I said, hoping to lighten the mood. It worked on Nana.

"Oh, of course dear! Anything for Miss. Hermione," she smiled and left the room to start her baking.

Malfoy stood in the doorway glaring at me. Well crap, not exactly how I wanted to tell them.

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