Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nana heard me slam the door and came over to see what was wrong.

"Who was it honey?" then she say my face, "what's wrong? Did something happen?"

I just stared at the door, eyes wide, as if trying to see through the solid door. I slowly lifted my hand and pointed at the closed door, trying to say something. But all that came out was a whispering cry of disbelief. Nana gave me a funny look and went to open the door. As she opened it, a smile began to form on her face.

"Lucius! My oh my you've grown! It's been many years; to what do I owe the pleasure?" she opened the door completely and ushered Lucius Malfoy in. Behind him stood his son, and my long time enemy, Draco Malfoy. I stared at him, trying to prove to myself that these was nothing more than a dream, but he and his father didn't seem to disappear. Nana noticed my gawking.

"Mel, why don't you go to the kitchen and get us some tea, I'm sure Mr. Malfoy and his son are parched."

"Al...Alright, be right back," I ran towards the kitchen, eager to escape. Instead of starting the tea, I sat on the floor trying to figure out what the heck was going on! I don't know how long I sat there staring off into space, but all of a sudden I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up and practically jumped outta my skin. Standing above me was Malfoy.

"Hey, you okay Knight?" he looked down at me with a concerned expression. I continued to do nothing but stare, thinking to myself, Malfoy, concerned, am I missing something?

"Umm... yeah, I'm okay," I stood up and walked around him to the stove. Trying my best to ignore him, I bowled the water and made a pot of Nana's favourite tea. The kitchen had been quiet for a minute, so assumed that Malfoy had returned to his father. I turned with the tea pot in my hand and ran right into someone, dropping the pot and spilling the hot tea on my hand and the floor.

"OWWW!! WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. In too much pain to take in my surroundings, I felt someone grab my hand and push it under the running cold water. I could feel the cold water dull the burn, until my hand was numb.

I looked up to thank whoever it was, and came face to face with Malfoy. He didn't see me staring at him so I just watched what he did. He leaned over to the stove and grabbed one of the towels and wrapped it around my hand. Without consciously realizing it, a smile crept its way onto my face. When he finally looked up at me, I noticed he was smiling too. It wasn't his usually smirk, but an actual, genuine smile. It left me breathless.

"There, all better. I'm really sorry about that, I thought you knew I was there," he continued to smile down at me. As we stood there, I really looked at him for the first time. He had drastically changed since our first year at Hogwarts. He was now 6'1" with platinum blond hair and beautiful grey\/silver eyes. He had lost his baby cheeks and had become really handsome. I couldn't help but swoon with him so near.  

STOP THAT NOW! This is Malfoy we're talking about! He's been making fun of you and your friends for the last 6 years! 

"Umm... Thanks, but next time make a sound or something, to let me know, that way I won't end up hurting myself," I knelt down to pick up the pot and put it on the counter. I knelt back down to clean up the tea, and realized it had already been cleaned up. I looked towards the door to see Malfoy heading back into the living room to join Nana and his father.

What was that all about?

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