Get Help (Crack)

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Thor walked into the compound. He didn't know how the Avengers would act once they found out Loki was alive.

"If this goes bad we should do get help," Thor said and Loki smirked.

"Yes, we should." Thor was shocked by that but brushed it off as the elevator door opened.

When they walked through the Avengers scrambled for their weapons at the first sight of Loki. Chuckling Loki's magic shot out preventing Thor from moving.

"Get help-" Loki picked Thor up and threw him into the others. Knocking down Steve, Tony, and Clint on their asses. Loki clutched his stomach as he laughed.

Thor helped his teammates off the floor. They tried to recover from getting the wind knocked out of them from Thor's heavyweight. Clint was helped up and gasped for breath.

"Holy shit. How much do you weigh!

"In Midgardian terms, it's roughly 640 pounds."

"What the fuck!"

In the corner, Loki was on the ground clutching his stomach as he tried to catch his breath

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