Multiple Ships (Gen)

388 15 4

Ironstrange (Tony x Stephen)  Hawkant (Clint x Scott)
Stucky (Steve x Bucky)


Tony was cuddled up against Strange. Scott and Clint were cuddled up on a bunch of bean bags. Steve and Bucky were on another couch. They watched as the main character died in the movie, and the boyfriends were crying.

"Hey babe, how much would you miss me? If something like that was to happen to me." Tony looked up at Stephen.

"I wouldn't be the same. I love you with all my heart."

"Clint, if I died how much would you miss me?" Scott asked. Hoping to get a super romantic speech.

"It's cute you think that death can get you out of this relationship," Clint replied, with a monotone expression.

"That's kind of gay Clint," Tony mumbled out.

"Hey, I'm not curled up on my boyfriend's lap. You two are gayer than us." Clint threw his hands up in a playful manner.

"He got you there Tony." Scott then turned his attention back towards the movie.


"I love you Buck"

"I love you too, Steve. I would sell my arm for you."

Rocket quickly rushed into the room. "foR HOW MUCH"


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