Worthy (Slight Angst)

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The newly formed team just finished a long mission. They have been on the jet for a while.

Thor went to the bathroom and forgot Mjölnir. Bucky went a little while after. He found Thor's hammer on the toilet seat. He moved it aside and went to the bathroom.

When he walked out he grabbed the hammer. When he did he felt a tingle of electricity.  Shrugging he walked back to the others. "Thor I think this is yours"  Everyone looked at him and everything went dead silent.

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

"Whoever holds the hammer is worthy. They shall possess the powers of Thor. They would be worthy to rule Asgard. If it was still here." There was a series of gasps.

"So no one else can hold it here?" Everyone shook their head. 

"Sam hold this" Bucky held it out to Sam. Who wasn't paying attention, his hand was yanked down.

Bucky held his hand out as he laughed. He almost jumped out of his skin when the hammer was back in his hand.


"My father Odin cast a spell on it. To those who he deems worthy in his eye. For those who have fought with courage and honor. Who have faced themselves and won."

Bucky sat down. He silently processed the information he was just given. "I'm worthy," Bucky whispered. A few stray tears fell.

After a few days, he began to test the magic the hammer possesses. Bucky learned he can only hold it with his real arm.

He was still trying to get over the whole worthy part. Out of all the people here he expected to be on the last of the list. Of who would be able to wield the hammer. After Thor went more in depths of being worthy.

After the initial shock. He began to have fun with it. Walking up to random Avengers and say "hold this." Watching as their arm would get yanked down.  Bucky had to admit it was fun playing catch. Between him and Thor.

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