Spooktober 3.Gammafrost

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Gammafrost: (Loki x Bruce)


Bruce walked toward Loki's room. Hoping his boyfriend wanted to hang out. As he approached the room something felt off. He didn't know why and advanced.

He crept into the room. A blast of cold breeze caught him off guard. Bruce knew when he got to Loki's room he would have to go through the labyrinth Loki had created. The closer to Loki's room he got. The colder the temperature fell. Running his finger along the walls.

In the dim light, it revealed the frost. He ripped his finger on the wall scrapping it off.

Cautious he opened the door. It felt like it was below freezing. Shivering he stepped in. It was almost pitch black.

The darkness gave off an eerie feeling."Loki" Bruce called getting no reply.

His gaze shifted across the room. Ice was embedded in the walls. In the corner, he saw a shadow move. "Loki?"

Two bright red eyes pierced through. It stalked closer into the light. Its dark blue skin, with white markings, scattered. Two horns stood tall. "L-Loki-"

Its deep laugh echoed. "Loki is gone." The creature showed off its razor-sharp teeth. A hand reaches forward, sharp nails scratched out.

Screaming out Bruce turned and ran. Bruce could hear his heart beating. He cut a quick corner and threw himself behind the centerpiece. A hand came crashing down right above him.

Bruce ran for the hall. The creature was crawling onto the ceiling. The crack of the roof crumbling under his palm. The halls looped with one another. There was no escape. It wanted him. Sooner or later it was going to grab him.

Bruce screamed out for help. Maybe it's just a nightmare Bruce hadn't woken up from.
That was thrown out the window when a dagger almost pierced his heart. The nightmare has only just begun.

Bruce slipped on a piece of ice and scrambled out the door. Revealing the main hallway of the Avengers complex.

Bruce screamed out for help, as he ran. It brought darkness and ice. It felt as an eternity passed. The roar of thrusters was finally heard. Looking up Tony stood in his suit. Firing at it.

The creature wasn't affected. It ripped Tony out of the air with one clean hit. Prying his armor off piece by piece. Bruce lost all control of himself. Screaming out in agony he turned green. The hulk grabbed for the creature smashing it into the wall until it was unconscious. With the threat gone. He shrunk down and went to go help everyone out. Tony had some cuts, but they weren't deep. They stalked closer. To get a better look at the creature.

Watching in horror as the once blue skin faded to a light tan. Its horns shrunk down until they were no more. Its fangs and claws were already gone. Red eyes snapped open and faded to its usual forest green.

The two gasped out. "Loki."

Loki rubbed his head confused. He had blood dripping out of his nose. "What happened?"

Bruce sighed in relief. He hugged Loki. "You are ok."

"Bruce dear, can you tell me what am I doing here?"

"There was a blue creature trying to kill us. Hulk smashed it into the wall. Then the blue faded and here you are."

"Oh no."

"What's wrong Loki."

"I was trying to get used to being in my Jotun form. Anger washed over me and that's all I remember."

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