1944 (Crack)

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No one on the team wanted to go get a couple of groceries. Grumpily Bucky made his way to the store.

Grabbing a basket and began to grab some groceries. Getting two gallons of milk. Some cheerios, and a bag of plums. 

The cashier began scanning the items. "So your total is $19.44."

"Hm, that was a good year"

"Oh haha! Remember that year?" The cahier asked jokingly.

"Yes, it's the year I died"

"Oh-oh ok. C-cash or credit." The cashier nervously stuttered.

Bucky handed him a $20 dollar bill. The cashier shakily grabbed it and gave him his change.

"H-have a good day" 

When he left the cashiers boss approached. "Are you ok. You look like you seen a ghost"

"Please don't say ghost."

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