Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as my wobbly legs could take me. I could hear my loud footfalls underneath me as I sprinted. I could faintly hear the swift footfall of him behind me. He was gaining on me and I was tiring. Each branch that hit me left behind and new line of dripping crimson to soak through my thin blouse. I kept my legs moving as I turned around to see how close he was getting- he was gone. As I turned back around, I found myself falling toward the ground at an incredible speed. Just as my body made contact with the ground, everything went black.

Milliseconds later, I sat up with a loud gasp. I was in my uncomfortable bed, just where I fell asleep the night before. Breathing heavily, I raked my fingers through my messed up, knotty, blonde hair.
"Jessica!" I heard mum's voice shout from downstairs, "Nightmares or not, you are going to school today."
As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. Since these nightmares began a few weeks ago, I had missed so many days of school and if I missed many more, I would be unable to graduate. Also today isn't just any plain old school day. It's immunisations day today. I have never been afraid of needles but, I'm also not their biggest fan.

"If you are not down here within ten seconds, then I will come up there and pull you out of that bed!" mum called from the kitchen. I slowly flicked the blankets off of my legs and climbed lazily out of bed. I used the walls to guide me as I walked downstairs and plonked myself down on one of the breakfast stools.
"Another nightmare?" mum asked as she reached into the fridge to grab the milk.
"Yeah." I replied simply.
"I could take you to see someone." She offered sweetly, as she sat a bowl of milk, cereal and a spoon down in front of me.
"They are beginning to go away. I wouldn't worry about it." I lied. Just as I said that, dad waltzed in with his normal business suit and gelled back hair.
"How are my two favourite people in the world?" He asked with and excited smile.
"Where is Emily?" Mum asked with a smile on her face.
"She's sick again." Dad replied, the smile on his face still wide. My sister was always pretending to be sick in front of mum and dad. Then once they had left for work she would go and join the biggest party in town. Em and I have been pretty close since we were little though so I wouldn't dare tell our parents she was wagging school.

After I finished my cereal I hopped upstairs to get ready. As I stood in the shower, I thought about the nightmares I had been having. In all of them, there was a figure watching me. I couldn't make out who it was but they gave off an evil vibe. I would always run until I woke up. Although I think whoever it was could have easily caught up with me within seconds, they never caught me. I turned the water off and got dressed. I heard my phone ring from my room. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was Hailey, my best friend. I dried my hair with my towel as I answered the phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
" I have awesome news!" She squealed through the phone. "Mitchell is going on a camping trip and his parents invited me!"
"That's awesome Hailey! Are y-"
"So I am going to be camping in a real bush in a real tent!" She interrupted.
"Are you driving me this morning?" I asked quickly before she had the chance to interrupt again.
"You're coming to school?" She asked. "That's great!" I can't drive you this morning, sorry. I'll see you at school! Bye."
"Bye." I said as I hung up. I guess that meant I was walking. It's not that far to walk, I was just really not in the mood.

After grabbing my lunch on the way out, I began my journey to school. As I neared the front gate, I noticed someone leaning against the wall. Someone unfamiliar. He was surprisingly good looking. Certain strands of dark, chocolate coloured hair lay on his forehead. His white shirt perfectly outlined the bulging muscles on his arms and abdomen. His jeans wrapped nicely around his legs. His skin was pale and looked almost fragile against the radiant beams of the sun. He looked like a picture perfect model, cut out of a magazine.
"He's new." A voice said from behind me. I jumped, noticeably startled and turned around. It was Jacob, my other best friend. I hugged him tight seeing I hadn't seen him for what felt like forever.

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