Chapter 25

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Evelyn's PoV

I ran haphazardly, without looking where I was going. My eyes were blurry and the pathetic thing was, I wore a night gown, bare footed. I ran, until my feet started hurting tremendously.

I wasn't looking straight, and the moment I collided with someone, I stumbled, and fell backwards. Waiting to meet the hard floor, instead, I was engulfed in a strong tightened, arms.

I gasped, my eyes widened, I raised my eyes, and met with beautiful brown orbs, that was looking at me. I gasped, tried wiggling myself out of his grip.

"Beautiful" he whispered, his eyes fixed on my face. I pushed him harder, and stood straighter.

His smile turned into a frown, and he grabbed me, pulling me towards himself. His hands grabbing my shoulders, bringing me closer to himself, "your eyes should be glistened up with tears of happiness, not these, sweetheart" he wiped a few tears off my face.

I pushed him, "don't touch me" I yelled, pushing him hard.

"Pretty. I am not here to hurt you. "

I ignored him, and walked past him, composed of myself, walking away with some confidence, I was pretending. My world was spinning around myself and before I could walk any further, my legs gave up. My eyes kept on shutting but I tried to be composed. I must've walked a few steps ahead, when everything in front of me blacked out. I fell in someone's arms, and went in a deep slumber.

Unknown's PoV

"Gosh.. Andrew, open the damn door" I yelled, picking her up in my arms.

She weighed nothing, I wondered why she was here in the middle of night, specially, in her night gown and bare footed. My jaw tightening on thinking about the consequences, of what might have happened, if I wasn't here.

"Fuck" I muttered, just a thought about it gave me shivers. I know nothing about this lady, believe me, I am not at all a person who would leave her here in the middle of nothing.

Andrew, my driver, took us back to the hotel I was staying in. I still don't know, why I chose to help her, she might be a drug peddler or anyone to ruin my already fucked up life.

I was back in Australia, after almost an year, and I'd never planned on meeting anyone. My plan was simply to rectify the wrongs I did, and to be back to my messy life in New York.

A sudden thought, echoed in my mind, what if this woman would be another mistake of my life. But she isn't a woman that seemed half like the one who ruined my life.

A phone ringing in the bedroom, brought me back to reality. I growled and placed her on the bed, picked up the phone and walked out of the room.


"Eric? Where have you been? I have been trying to get to you since an hour. " a panicky voice said.

"I am fine, D. I would have called you back, if I wasn't picking up your call" I said softly.

Diana, snorted and took a deep breath, "Did you meet him?" She asked.

"Not yet sister. I will. Don't worry about it. I will be back only when he has forgiven me" I said, my mind in a deep thought.

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