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Aiden's PoV

I walked in the room with our princess in my hand, she was as cute as her mother. Her eyes were hooded, a round face and the pink tint on her cheeks, made her look even more beautiful. All I know is that raising her with boys around will be a hard nut to crack. She is gonna get a lot of attention from the boys which will create a havoc in my life.

"Aiden?" I heard a soft whisper of my wife, my Eve, she smiled when she saw me with our little daughter. Belle was playing with her nephew alongside her sister. She was really excited to meet her niece and nephew a month ago. Yup, its been a month since our world changed. We got our Zoey and Zach, I got my Evelyn back.

We all are happy in our own way, Eve was a bit upset when she realised her womb was removed but anyhow she herself has no plans for future kids. We have got our complete family and we both are really blessed for that.

"How is Adonis?" Eve asked as soon as I sat near her, kissing her forehead, "Better. Just Heart Broken" I whispered back.
"Elle shouldn't--------" she started but I cut her off immediately. "Its done. We can't undo it. Eve, Adonis is being childish. She never loved him as he did. He was trying to forcefully make her fall for him, which was impossible. He has to man up, face the consequences now" I muttered, motioning Belle to come and sit with us, rather than standing at the corner. She sat herself next to her sister, pouting at something. I turned around to check upon the element of disturbance.

Groaning at the sight, I huffed loudly, "Mom"

"You won, Aiden. You won. You wanted the thieves , the manipulators, the gold diggers in my family, you got those. My Adonis is suffering because of you" mother snapped, she didn't even realised her granddaughter was still asleep.

"Mom. Not here. Please. " I whispered but to my dismay she was unstoppable.

"You told me once, Evelyn, your sister is not a thief, right? Ironically, she is missing with a million dollars in her hand, an idiot who was so much into her panties that he tried commit suicide because of the fucking bit-ch" she yelled, I flinched on hearing that filth from her mouth. I stood up, glancing at her icily, "OUT" I snapped.

" I don't want to be here Mr. Aiden Wilson. I will never be here with such a whore in your house" she yelled, "You are talking about my Wife, Mrs. Wilson. I would suggest you get the fuck out of here" I yelled, the thin line between losing my patience was far broken.

Mother's eyes welled up with tears, her heart was hurting being talked back by her son, "You will never be forgiven for this, Aiden" she whispered trying not to cry, my eyes turned dark with hurt, I shouldn't have hurt her in such a way with my words. "You will pay for it, you bitch, its not over yet" mom yelled loudly, my kiddos started crying at the voice. Evelyn was staring at the floor, not even glancing at me or mom. I know she was hurting but was blaming herself till now for whatever happened. I wasn't gonna deny the fact that I wasn't hurting myself to know Elle, stole a million dollars from me, used Adonis and ran away from us. I would have given her everything, the best schooling, the best of everything just because she deserved everything, her dreams would be fulfilled by me and Adonis, but doing this, fleeing away, causing this much pain to my Evelyn broke any ties between us.

"Belle, sweetheart will you look after Zoey and Zach, can I borrow your sister for a while" I whispered, a few minutes later. She nodded with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Evelyn was still staring at the floor, her kids were spluttering in cries but her mind was not here, she walked out of the room without a word being exchanged between any of us.

I motioned, Maria, our kids' nanny to look after them along with Belle and walked after Eve.

She walked into the terrace balcony with tears in her eyes, her voice broke into a loud sob, turning around she hugged me tightly, her heart was thumping as loud as ever, "Why did she do this to Adonis, Aiden? Why? He loved her from all his heart. He would have given her everything, then why? I feel so pathetic so ashamed of my upbringing. Its all me. If I were there to look after her instead of earning--"

"Its not you, Evelyn." I turned around on hearing his voice, Eve, pushed herself away from me, wiping her tears, looking over at Adonis, "Ad, I am sorry" she whispered crying, sobbing loudly. He walked in further, wrapping Eve in his embrace, "You are not to be sorry Eve, she never loved me, I was an idiot to let her use me. Its not you, its me who is at fault. I don't give a fuck now. Aiden, I was here to ask you, may I join your office?" he asked with a clipped smile.

His words enlightened the atmosphere, I hugged him, " I would love to have you in my team, brother"


Heyaaaa Guys,

Another beautiful book completed... yeahhhhh I am so excited....

Again, thank you for your love and blessings for this book.

You all are really a great support of my life, giving the confidence and all this patience to deal with writer's block....

Anyway, there is a good news, the story is not yet over...

I mean ofcourse, how can we leave behind ELLE and ADONIS.....

Meet them in the next book of the belong Series..... You Belong to Me....

Love You...all


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