Chapter 2

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The night before her midterms, Sophie laid awake staring at the ceiling. She had tried to contact Silveny, but she was busy. 

Somnolence didn't work either, and she refused to take Slumber Berry Tea. Out of options, she decided to transmit. 

Her mind automatically wandered to Fitz, but with the breakup a few months ago, it might send the wrong message. Biana and Dex were probably asleep, and Linh and Tam would be, which left Keefe. 

"Keefe?" She called.

"Foster?" He responded almost immediately, "Just couldn't stay away from The Keefster could you?"

"Sorry." She transmitted, "Did I wake you up?"

"Kinda. It's a good thing this house is soundproof. There was definitely some squealing and flailing when I heard your voice. Ro is NOT a happy ogre."

She winced, "Sorry, again. I just- couldn't sleep."

"Still nervous about midterms? Don't sweat it, Foster, you'll do great."

She sighed, "I still suck at mimicking."

"I can feel your doubt all the way over here. Just concentrate on the emotion."

"I'll try, thanks, Keefe."

"Anytime Foster, anytime."

The Next Morning:

Keefe's POV:

When Keefe woke up the next morning, he thought back on his conversation with Sophie the previous night. She always doubted herself, it was really sad. 'If only she could see how amazing she is.' Keefe thought.

"Thinking about Blondie are we?" came a voice from the corner of his room. "It's a good thing she's the reason you woke me up last night, or you'd be getting up close and personal with the toilet all day." Ro walked over, cleaning her nails with a dagger. "How'd it go yesterday? Did she admit her love for you and swoon into your arms?" she made obnoxious kissing sounds.

Keefe glared at her "No." he sighed, "Edaline came in with snacks just as I was working up to say it."

Ro winced, "Oooh, tough luck. Usually, I'm a big fan of snacks. Parents are the worst."

"Tell me about it," Keefe mumbled. He showered, dressed, and styled his hair. Which took longer than the other two combined. Then, grabbed Ro's hand, and they leaped to Foxfire.

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