Chapter 7

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Fitz's POV:

What. Just. Happened. I kissed Stina back? But I like Sophie! Don't I? All throughout the rest of the game I thought about it. I realized I really did like Stina.

Biana's POV:

After an INTERESTING game of Spin the Bottle, it was time for a few more games. "Okay, Truth or Dare time!" she yelled, startling everybody.

"YES I WILL RULE YOU!" shouted Keefe. Tam rolled his eyes.

"Okay, then. Keefe, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare." he said grinning devilishly.

I dare you to draw a blue mustache on yourself and leave it for the rest of the night."

Sophie's POV:

Keefe left the room and came back with a navy blue mustache that really set off his eyes. Why was she thinking like this? Too many Butterblasts probably, she shrugged. "Sophie, truth or dare?" asked Linh.

"Dare." she said, dreading what could happen if she picked truth.

"Okay, I dare you to take a cold shower in your clothes and do the macaroni dance you told us about, three times. While singing at the top of your lungs."

"Do you mean Macarena?" asked Sophie. "Okay, I'll do it." Everyone followed her into the guest bath and pretty soon were rolling on the floor with laughter. Even Tam couldn't keep it together.

"That..was..the best...thing I've..ever seen!!!" howled Keefe, unable to stand up. Sophie blushed. Linh called the water out of her hair and clothes leaving her perfectly dry. 

By the end of the game, Dex had golden skin, Marella had pink pigtails, Tam had messy blonde hair, Biana had green skin(And somehow still looked good), Fitz had teal eyebrows, Stina had huge orange bangs, Linh wore a water hat, Wylie had purple eyes, Keefe had silver bangs, and Sophie had purple ringlets. 

Della came in to bring some more desserts, and stopped cold. After a moment, she started laughing so hard tears ran down her beautiful face. After she left and everyone was back to normal, Biana dropped the bomb.

Della's POV:

I was bringing some more treats to the group but as I walked in I stopped cold. They had obviously been playing Truth or Dare, everyone looked hilarious! I laughed so hard tears ran down my face. Oh, Eda and Jules (Edaline & Juline) would love this.

Stina's POV:

"SEVEN MINUTES IN THE CLOSET!" shouted Princess Pretty Pants. We all wrote our names on slips of paper and put them in a hat. "Stina and... Fitz!" I sauntered into the closet and sat on a box, waiting for Golden Boy.

Biana's POV:

After seven minutes were up, I crept up and slid the door open. Stina was pushed against the wall, and Fitz was kissing her! "EEeeee!" I squealed and they quickly broke apart, blushing. Stina glared. Biana herded them out, "Next up, Linh and Wylie!"

Wylie's POV:

Uh oh. I knew I had to tell Linh. When we stepped inside I said, "LinhIreallylikeyouI'msorryIdidn'tsayitsoonerbutIwasn'tsureifyoulikedmeback," She looked slightly overwhelmed. I blew it, flushing, I backed away from her. She stepped closer, and kissed me on the cheek!

"I like you too, she said. I pulled her close, and we sat there snuggling, for the rest of seven minutes.

"Awww! You guys!" Biana squealed. We jumped apart, I caught Tam glaring at me and smiled sheepishly.

Biana's POV:

My plan was working perfectly! Fitz and Stina were coupled up, along with Linh and Wylie! Probably Dex and Marella too. Speaking of which... "Dex and Marella! You're up!"

Marella's POV:

I practically ran into the closet with Dex at my heels. "Shall we continue?" I said.

He nodded, "I'd like that." By the time Biana opened the door I was backed up against the wall with my legs around Dex's waist. His lips had been locked on mine since we got in there.

"Oooh! Score 1 for Dexella!" she said and ushered us out. "Next up! Tam and... me."

A/N My cliffhangers are getting to obvious now

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