Chapter 34

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Biana's POV:

I touched the ends of my curled hair. Breathe in, out. In. Out. I messed with my lilac dress, it hugged my waist and hips tight and cut off right above my knees. It went backless and it was my favorite dress - and Tam's. I clutched the crystal that he gave me a copy of. He must be waiting there. It was just to Atlantis (I hated the whirlpools), I wonder where. I raised the white crystal and reappeared in front of Claws & Paws. 

A... pet shop date?

Tam's POV:

I saw Biana flash right in front of the store. I waved crazily from the big window, holding a puppy. It barked excitedly.

"Hi!" I almost shouted at Biana, the moment she came in through the amethyst door.

"Uh, hey," she hesitantly replied. "A pet shop? Claws and Paws?" She raised a beautiful eyebrow at me, pursing her lips.

"Uh, yeah! I mean, look at this pupper! His name is Teddy!" I held up the small golden retriever, and he was wagging his tail. He gave a small bark. "Don't you love him?"

Biana gave a tiny grin. "Maybe. But I do know that I love you." I blushed. Ever since I started to date Biana - a little over a few years ago, actually - I've been opening up. She reached over Baxter and tapped my nose. 

"Give me Baxter!" I handed him over reluctantly, then brushed off all of the extra dog fur. Baxter immediately started to lick Biana's face and wagged his tail harder. Wow. Way to betray me, Baxter. Then again, who doesn't love Biana? 

So, I walked around and found the cutest alicorn plushie of Luna. They got some of the details wrong, but it was close enough.

Biana's POV:

"Bi! Look at this! Luna the plushie!" I almost dropped Baxter (instead I just put him inside of a nearby gate circle) and snatched Luna. Not the real Luna, just the plushie.

"OH MY GOODNESS I WANT ONE YES YES YES YES YES PLEEEASE!!!" I looked over at Tam after the outburst with the biggest puppy eyes. Cuter than Baxter's, I hoped.

"Fine..." he laughed begrudgingly. I ran over to a handheld shopping cart and put her in there. "What else would you want?"

"Ohh, I don't know... Baxter. And a merkitten." 'And a proposal,' I thought. 'Little does he know he's getting it...' Tam walked over to Baxter, picked him up, and walked over the dog section for foods, beds, and more.

Tam's POV:

We got the best of things for Baxter, and then Biana chose a merkitten with silver-teal patterns on its tail. She named him Frankenstein, after the human movie Sophie told her about. He bore no resemblance to him, but she begged to differ. We settled on a tank style and decorative plants and rocks, and I bought it all, because that's what boyfriends do.

After some time, we headed back to Bi's house. I helped Biana set up Frankenstein's tank and Baxter's area (the gnomes made an extra room for him in Biana's bedroom).

"Sooo... what now?" I looked around the living room's small domed glass ceiling. Biana looked nervous. "You okay?" I reached my arm out for a side hug. She took it.

She gave a weak smile. "Yeah. Just... come with me." She held out her hand as she pulled away, walking to the back door. "Aren't you gonna come along now?" Bi turned around.

"I guess," I shrugged. What was she planning?

Biana's POV:

I grabbed the sweater I am still "borrowing" from Tam, and I wrapped it around my shoulders. The ring was in my mini-purse. Time to execute Plan A. Plan B was if we were interrupted. Plan C was if he says no, but why would he?

I held his hand all the way down the small gravel path to my favorite garden. It had the lavender-smelling red-and-white tree trunks I loved back at Everglen. They were skinny and lanky, the leaves any color you would want them to be.

"Tam?" I stopped and spun to face him, when we were right in the middle of the grove. "We have known each other for so, so long, and it feels like every day with you is an adventure. I know you so well. I love you. And I'm not the smartest or the most wise gal out there. I'm not the wittiest, or the toughest -"

"Biana. Don't say that! You're the toughest girl I know. And you know that too." He reached down and traced a scar on my back.

"Okay. But what I was trying to say was..." I opened the small black box I held in my hand. I popped it open behind me, checking for the simple silver band. It was there. I knelt down. One knee. "Tam Dai Song, will you marry me?" I brought the box forward. His eyes widened, not saying anything for several moments. He murmured something.

Tam's POV:

She proposed. What? I was frozen.

"Yes..." I whispered. My lips barely moved. "Yes!" She reached up and shoved the ring onto my finger. "YES!!" I repeated louder than I knew I could ever be, and I wasn't out of breath.

I had a new energy coursing through me.

I opened my arms and I knelt down in the grass.

And I kissed her.

My Biana.

My sweet, loving, Vanishing Biana.

My strong Biana.

Our kiss was firm yet gentle, slow yet energizing, our arms wrapped around each others' bodies, my fingers tracing her bare back, hers touching my neck in a way that sent shocks through my body. We parted for air. "Yes," I said one more time. And she kissed me again, harsher, making my shoulders tense and my back bend, as she came upon me. 

No gnomes named Ari to interrupt us now.

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