The Matchmakers | Biana & Tam

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Biana's POV:

I trotted towards a eurypterid carriage, fussing with one of my silver dress frills. I heard my heels click against the cobblestones. I looked up and saw the sea above. 'Where was Tam?' I thought, climbing in. I had to make sure my teal cape wasn't caught in the door, feeling it brush my bare shoulders and back.

"Where to, missy?" the coach looked back and did a double take. "Why, you're the Vacker girl!" He started at my scars webbed across the left side of my face and down.

I nodded. "I'm Biana. Can you take me to the Matchmakers' building?" I smiled for effect.

"C-certainly!" The elf turned back and we took off at a reasonable pace. I looked out of the window, searching for Tam. I had one last choice - an Imparter message.

Where are you???? Did u go to Matchm's early?? -B

No reply for several moments. I turned off my Imparter when -

Sry!!! Am at Matchm's. @ lobby. Waiting for u ♥️ -T

I sighed. I'm infamous for being late. It takes me forever to leave my apartment. That's why our dates are scheduled so late - I take a LONG time to get everything right.

Tam's POV:

I saw Biana, looking beautiful as ever, come in through the main doors. She spotted me and ran over, sitting down in the throne to my left.

"Why didn't you tell me you were already here?" she hissed. I flushed.

"I thought you knew! Sorry, you know I don't like my Imparter." I rolled my eyes. When she didn't look at me, I squeezed her hand. "I love you." After a second, she looked at me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you too."

"Uhh, Tam Tong - I-I mean, Song?" A young elf, no more than ten years older than me, scampered into my line of sight. He waved nervously.

"Yeah, that's me." I stood up, brushing off my pants and ignoring the drooling girls. "I'll be back soon, Bee." I stalked off into the long hallway, and we turned into the fist door on my right. The elf sat down next to another guy - he looked kinda familiar. "Jensi? Jensi Babalos?" That energetic kid from Foxfire looked up.

"Hey! How ya doin', Tam?"

"Good, good. So, should we start?"

"Yep! So, place of birth?"

"Errr... Choralmere."


"Quan and Mai Song."

"Loading... done! You are registered and matchable." Jensi grinned at me. "So, who did you register for?"

"Biana. Why?" the smile on his face faltered.

"Oh. Well, you're a lucky guy!" I blinked, not sure what to make of this.

"Yep, thanks Jensi." After a brief awkward silence, I stood up quickly, nearly knocking over my chair. As I headed back to the lobby (Ignoring more dovey-eyed girls) I noticed Biana's seat was empty. She must've been called.

Biana's POV:

I sat down in the cold metal chair, observing the elf in front of me. She was old, her mile-long ears proved that much- with auburn hair and piercing green eyes.

"Name?" She said in a stiff, unfriendly voice.

"Biana Vacker."


"Eternalia Regional Hospital."


"Della and Alden Vacker." The old elf startled, memories clouding her eyes. "Ma'am?" She blinked, "Right... registered and Matchable." She mumbled, still staring into space. Unnerved, I hustled out of the room as quickly as could be graceful.

 I found Tam waiting in the lobby, looking as nervous as I felt. We locked hands, and left the building as the artificial sun darkened the streets of Atlantis.

~Two-ish Weeks Later~

Tam's POV:

My palms sweat as I greeted Biana at the door. Hearts pounding, we walked up to the Pick-Ups desk, hand in hand. The elf looked up at us,


"Tam Song and Biana Vacker." The man smiled and handed us two tightly rolled scrolls, stamped with the Matchmaker's seal, and a big fat '1'. Shaking a little, Bi and I sat down on a silvery bench.

"On three." Biana wavered, I nodded, brushing my sweaty bangs off my forehead,

"Three, two, one!" We tore open the seals, and frantically scanned the names. There it was;

10. Biana Vacker. Yes! "Look!" Biana cried showing me her list,

24. Tam Song. I showed her mine and Biana squealed, throwing her arms around me. I held her close for a moment, then pulled her back. She looked confused,

"Tam? Are you-" The rest was drowned out in a kiss. Bi hugged me tight, our lips locked tighter. Liquid lightning raced through my veins, drowning out the anguished cries from boys and girls alike. 

When we finally came up for air, Biana grinned at me, cheeks blushing adorably. I grinned back, and hand in hand we stumbled to our feet. I held my home crystal up to the light, she did the same. 

After one more quick kiss, I let the shimmery beam pull me home.

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