The Matchmakers | Stina & Fitz

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Fitz's POV:

I walked down the streets of Atlantis, Stina by my side. The others didn't even know we were dating yet, we planned to spill the beans, as Sophie says, afterwards. Entering the huge silver doors, I squeezed Sti-bee's hand, looking at her in her frilly teal dress. 

"You look great," I transmitted. She smiled, squeezing back. The walls were lined with bejeweled chairs. A few girls gaped at me, Stina glared at them. 

The elvin world still had yet to discover my relationship. Since I've already registered, I left Stina at the thrones (with a kiss for everyone to see), and walked to the "Pick-Up-Your-Matches" line.

Stina's POV:

Fitz was practically RADIATING nervousness and joy. Poor guy. He kissed me, and I sat down, fanning out my TEAL dress, smirking at the heartbroken looks all around me. Deal with it, girls! FINALLY, my name was called. 

I swept down the twisting hallways until I came to a bright blue door. I wonder if Fitz has gotten his list yet. I hope not. A cold metal chair slumped in front of a desk. Two elves, so perfectly in sync it creeped me out, introduced themselves as Nika and Zain.

"Name?" Nika... well, not murmured. Cooed?

"Um, Stina Destry Heks."  I patted some of my curls down.

"Place of birth?" Zain took that question.

"Eternalia." They typed that into their screens. I fussed with my first skirt layer.

"Biological parents?" Nika asked.

"Vika and Timkin Heks." I felt a bead of sweat on my back.

"Please let these load..." Zain trailed off as she and her partner both smiled at the same time, the screens flashing green. STINA LOGNER HEKS IS MATCHABLE. Score!

Fitz's POV:

I marched up to the front of the line as soon as I got a message from Stina that she was registered and matchable.

"Hello! Fitz Vacker. First list, please?" I drummed my fingers on the countertop. The elf behind it looked up from his screen and smiled.

"Ah, young Mr. Vacker! Here! We have wondered when you would pick up your fist hundred matches." He handed me a thick scroll labeled, "FITZ VACKER - FIRST LIST."

"Thank you! I'll be waiting here for my hopeful. She's coming out... now!" Right on cue, Stina sauntered out of the maze-like hallway. She spotted me and waved. I looked down and sent Stina a message.

yo! i will check out my matches now. gl. -F

To which she replied,

mk. ♥️ u!!! -S

I grinned to myself. I couldn't wait. I cracked open the waxy silver seal, and unfurled the scroll. I quickly scanned the names, daring the Matchmakers to have not put her on there- aha!

50: Stina Heks

The last name in my Top Tier! Today was turning out great so far, too bad we had to for a while (I LOVE sneaking that in whenever I can) for her first scroll.

~A Few Weeks Later~

Stina's POV:

My hands squeezed Fitz's nervously as we strolled up to the twisted DNA-like building. For once I ignored the stares and whispers, the whole elvin world probably knew Fitz Vacker had a girlfriend- me, of course. 

I shook as I tried my usual saunter up to the Pick-Up-Matches section. Fitz gave me a kiss on the cheek for good luck.

"Stina Heks." I said to the elf running the stand.

"Ah, yes. Fitz Vacker's hopeful. I'll have your list in one second." Sure enough, barely a second later, he handed me a tightly rolled scroll, sealed with the silver Matchmakers emblom.

 I moved shakily back to Fitz, and we sat down on a cushy bench. I practically destroyed the seal, ripping it open, but finally it cracked. I laser-beam-eyed the first 50 names in my 'Top Tier'. No Fitz Vacker. Through the 80's, 90's, no- there!

99. Fitz Vacker

We stared at the name, wondering how it got so low. Then Fitz shrugged,

"I'm still on your first list." He said, a small smile creeping over his handsome face. I grinned,

"Yes, you are." Then he cupped my face, and I kissed him. Strangled cries erupted from the girls around us as he pulled me close, arms around me. I grinned against his lips, get over it girls. 

Fitz Vacker, is mine.

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