Chapter 16

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Sophie's POV:

The haze faded, I felt refreshed but also exhausted. Keefe caught me as I fell,

"Tired," I mumbled and fell fast asleep.

~Three Hours Later~

I blinked, slowly waking up.

"Elwin!!! She's up!!" Keefe yelled. Keefe. It all came crashing back to me. The picnic, the kiss, the fight, the inflicting. Someone poured a cool, sweet liquid down my throat.

"No sedatives!" I yelled. Elwin laughed, and my vision cleared. I looked around, seeing practically everyone! Grady, Edaline, Biana, Fitz, Tam, Linh, Dex, Mr. Forkle, Tiergan, The Collective, Marella, The Council, Alden, Della, Lord Cassius, Elwin, and-

"KEEFE! What happened?! Did we win?!" He smothered me in a hug,

"You did it, Sophie! WE WON!!!" He laughed, "When you inflicted, all four of them dropped. I hailed Dex, and we got all of you to the Healing Center. My mom, Vespera, Gethen, and Trix are all locked up. Far away." His face said happy, but I could see the sadness hiding in the shadows of his eyes.

"It's okay to be upset about your mom," I said softly.

"No, it isn't. She's a criminal."

"But she's still your mom." He looked away. Biana burst from the crowd and tackle-hugged me.

"SOPHIE YOU DID IT!!!" she squealed, Dex quickly joined the hug, followed by pretty much the whole Elvin world.

~One Week Later~

"Three! Two! One!" everyone cried, the drapes floated off, unveiling the statue. Oohs and aahs floated through the crowd as they admired it. 

The statue featured their group, all in a circle with Sophie in the center. Biana, Keefe, Fitz, and Stina were armed with goblin throwing stars, Tam with shadows, Linh with water, Marella had a throwing star(but if you look closely you can see tiny flames in her hands), Dex had clutches of gadgets, Maruca was creating a glowing shield, Wylie was armed with a ball of light, and Sophie was hovering off the ground, a red beam coming out of her forehead. They seemed to say "Elves are tougher than you think so watch out".

~A Few Hours Later~

Sophie collapsed against her bed. Keefe flopped down next to her, and soon everyone was piled on Sophie's bed, too exhausted to move. 

Edaline came in with Mallowmelt a few minutes later, and they all somehow found the energy to eat it as fast as possible. The whole-world party had been awesome, but so, so tiring. Everyone wanted to shake their hands, hug them, and congratulate them.

Biana's POV:

"I can't move," Biana groaned, laying on Sophie's flowery carpet. Tam picked her up and held her against him. She smiled, remembering the sleepover she had planned only a few months ago. 

After She and Fitz left, Biana hailed Sophie, Linh, Stina, and Marella. She invited them to a girl's night at Everglen. Little did she know, Fitz overheard and quickly invited Keefe, Wylie, Tam, and Dex. He relaid his plan to them. They couldn't wait.

A/N Sleepover next chapter! Also, I have a new Linhella (Linh + Marella) story! It's called Smoke & Stars. The book is at the top of my profile, so do check that out! Peace out!


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