Chapter 5

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Linh's POV:

Linh and Tam arrived at Everglen, it was HUGE! Bigger than their parent's house, and that was saying something. She noticed Wylie and blushed when he looked at her. Was he- no he wasn't blushing. 'It was the light reflecting off the gates.' she scolded herself. Biana opened the door and peeked at Tam, his cheeks were a little pink. Linh grinned to herself, 'Oh, yes, tonight he's fessing up.' she thought.

"Welcome to Everglen," said Biana and ushered them inside.

Tam's POV:

As Biana opened the door he couldn't help but stare. She was wearing a long white dress with a gold hem, and a turquoise bodice. Her hair was braided with tiny diamonds, making it sparkle like stars. She was perfect. Biana looked at him and he blushed, looking anywhere but her.

"Welcome to Everglen," she said and waved them inside.

Fitz's POV:

The plan was set. Operation Win Her Back was underway. He couldn't understand why Sophie broke up with him. He was Golden Boy, and she was The Moonlark. They were the most perfect, powerful couple the Elvin world had ever seen! Yes, tonight he would make her love him again. He heard Biana welcome everyone to Everglen and came downstairs. Sophie looked beautiful in her tight, crimson tunic and black leggings.

Biana's POV:

"Okay! First up, Never Have I Ever! Biana called. She had added this to the list last minute, thinking they should play at least one only friendly game. Everyone filed into the reception hall and set up their sleeping bags. The order was Marella, Dex, Wylie, Linh, Tam, Biana, Fitz, Sophie, and Keefe. "Never have I ever... survived an earthquake," she said. Sophie put a finger down.

"What? They happened all the time in San Fransisco," she said. "Huh, that's cool," Tam remarked, "Okay, never have I ever, hugged a cactus," he said. Keefe put down a finger and everyone stared at him. "What? I never say no to a dare." The game continued with Linh being triumphant. "What?! How did she win?!" Exclaimed Keefe."Maybe you shouldn't have eaten that pencil." Biana deadpanned.

Sophie's POV:

Everyone burst out laughing, including Keefe. 

"Dinner!" Della called. 

Everyone stampeded into the dining room where they ate orange bread that tasted like Spaghetti Carbonara. 

When they headed back to the hall they found a spread of Custardbursts, Mallowmelt, and- "BUTTERBLASTS!!!!" shrieked Sophie and Keefe, making a beeline for them. They tried to grab the same one and their hands bumped. 

She blushed and Keefe smirked. Someone cleared their throat and Sophie turned to see everyone staring at them. Fitz was glaring and Biana had a weird smile on her face. She blushed again. Thankfully Linh saved everyone by running toward the Custardbursts and leading the others in a parade of sugar. 

About an hour later after all the treats were gone, Biana suggested Spin the Bottle. Sophie groaned, but everyone else cheered. 

"Biana goes first since she won the last game!" Fitz yelled, "Hey no fair!" 

Biana argued but spun the bottle, it landed on Sophie. They laughed and Biana gave her a friendly peck on the cheek. Sophie spun, and it landed on Dex. 'Again?' she thought but pecked him anyway. Dex spun next and it landed on... Marella.

A/N I bet you know exactly whats going to happen

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