Bonus Chapter | The Footage

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Sandor's POV:

With a cheery 'boop' the tape was on its way. I'll admit, I felt kinda bad for them. Seeing as my own parents had died fighting ogres ten years ago, I didn't know what it felt like to be so... protected. One thing for sure, I definitely didn't want to be around Grady right now. Or the rest of this week.

Grady's POV:

A glanced at my Imparter as it 'boop'ed. It was from Sandor. The video camera! Hurriedly, I pressed play. At first I just saw Sophie standing at the door, face scrunched in concentration. She was laughing so hard, she could barely stand! 

Then, Keefe burst through the door and they collapsed against each other, laughing their heads off. This must've been after that 'talk'. I glared at them, rolling on the ground, tears streaming down their faces. But, so far, so good. 

I guess there's nothing wrong with laughing. And rolling on the floor. All right! I admit it, they're cute together. Hmph. Back to glaring at a screen. Eventually, they composed themselves.

"I can't believe he thought you would do THAT!" Sophie clutched her sides, still giggling.

"Yeah, I am very irresistible, though." That Boy winked. My face burned and my ears steamed- that little-!

"Grady?" Eda poked her head in through the door. Seeing my face, she glanced at the Imparter. A sappy smile unfurled across her face. "Aw-" she stopped at the look on my face. The screen now showed them curled up against one another, sleeping. 








I shot up, hitting my head on the beams. Oops, must've levitated. Eda grabbed my shoulders and brought me back. "Hey," she whispered gently, "We did that, don't you remember?" 

My muscles relaxed, remembering. Still, after she left, my face heated up again as I watched them. Neither moved a muscle. Eventually, at around sundown Tha- Keefe. He should be called Keefe respectively now. Anyways, he sat up and prodded Sophie awake. 

He looked different, like, without his joking air. Sophie cracked an eye open and looked up at him. They whispered, and I caught,


"Don't leave."

"See you later."

"Wait." My fists clenched as she relaxed back on the bed and Keefe played with her hair. Then- OH NO HE DIDN'T!!!! THAT BOY PRESSED HIS LIPS AGAINST HERS, LYING ON TOP OF HER! WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM?! 

Can't he see I'm being an overprotective dad here?! Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow slip into the room. Sandor. That Boy noticed, and glared around Sophie, who had her hands under his jacket?! Hmph.

 She slipped them out when she saw his look.

"Is it Sandor?" she mouthed against his lips, he nodded. Poor Sandor looked so disappointed at being found out. Sophie sat up quickly, pushing That Boy off her. Good.

"You got me." Sandor surrendered, I was counting on that guy!

"Sandoooooorrr! Sorrrrrrryyyyyy!" She whined, hands raised. There was a little complaining about Keefe leaving, but he leaped away. Not before KISSING HER AGAIN. OH THAT BOY. The video cut out. 

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