Chapter 9- Behind Closed, and Guarded, Doors

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A knock on the door forced Clouse out of his thoughts. Marching over he flung open the door ready to fillet the person who dared-

"Captain Pyth sent me to inform you he has a report you "won't want to wait for" in the lower levels." Morro spoke in a clipped tone before Clouse could start on his tirade. "This is for you." He shoved a piece of paper in Clouse's direction.

Snatching the note, Clouse quickly scanned it. A smug smirk came over his face. Four words written in a tight scrawl filled the scrap of paper: Orders fulfilled. Packages secure. He stepped back and shut the door in Morro's face. There was nothing more he needed from the guard at the moment and he couldn't care less what Morro did with himself right then. Things were moving much more smoothly than Clouse had anticipated.

Donning his darkest robes, Clouse let himself indulge in a giddy breath. This was actually happening. 'No. It's not close to over yet.' Closing his eyes Clouse regained his composure. The next few days could be critical for his plans.

Less than a minute later Clouse blinked in the torchlight of the underground caverns. Instead of going to his workroom Clouse descended further into the earth's depths. He emerged in a giant cave pockmarked with stalagmites and stalactites. Thick smoke lingered in the air, the product of roaring fires scattered about the room. Even at this time of night several individuals were huddled over tables near the fires, movements restricted by thick chains glowing eerily off their ankles and wrists in the light of the flames. Down here there was no night or day. There was only work.

Not even sparing them a cursory glance, Clouse stalked past the slaves and the guards stationed along the way. Though he didn't need to look at them to feel the spiking of fear charge through the room when the men and women took note of his presence. 'As it should be.' And soon the whole kingdom would grovel at his feet.

Leaving the large cavern behind, Clouse took a side tunnel. Groans from tired and injured workers echoed among the walls, some of it from the cells that lay ahead... some from the memory of the cruelty that had been taking place in these halls for decades. With a final turn Clouse entered the room used for Pyth's headquarters. He swept the door open without bothering to knock.

Pyth sat reclined at his desk, a rather self satisfied smirk on his face. "M'lord."

"I was told you had an urgent report."

Pyth tilted his head toward the far corner and for the first time Clouse noticed the figure lying prone on the floor, arms pulled back by large gray shackles. Though partially obscured by shadows, and a bag still covering their head, the new prisoner was decidedly male.

"So you were successful. I admit I had my doubts."

"With all due respect sir, this is only part of today's raid. An opportunity presented itself for the two highest targets you'd put out."

That was even better than Clouse had hoped for and yet... the line's on Pyth's face meant he had more to the story to share. "Were there any complications?" A slight grimace from Pyth was all the confirmation Clouse needed. "What. Happened?"

"At 1700 hours one of the merchants in the Bixen District reported a man attempting to steal from him- a man who matched the description of Ronin's target. The man was seen with a woman and they led us on a wild goose chase through the city until we managed to track them to a hideout on the north side of the city. They resisted arrest. In the scuffle the woman announced herself as- as Princess Skylor."

A heavy silence fell between the men. Rage Clouse couldn't begin to describe twisted within him. "Not only did the princess manage to get past your men undetected, but you hadn't noticed she'd placed herself in the way to be tipped off by our plans?" Clouse's voice rose in pitch until his shout reverberated in the small room.

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