Chapter 14 - Simmering Anger and Shifting Power

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Clouse wanted to scream. Loud and long into the void. He'd been so close. So. Close. The final piece for his own special plan. But no, it had to all fall apart at the last second.

Biting back a curse, Clouse kicked the sand in front of him. A very petty and childish move but Clouse felt it was justifiable. The dunes stared at him, cold and unfeeling under the moonlight. How did this happen? And now what? The entire plan rested on that djinn. Without it the power of the combined Elements would overwhelm anyone.

Growling in anger, Clouse teleported himself back to the castle. Inside his room Clouse paced like a chained tiger. How to explain this to Chen? Or even worse Skylor? He'd insinuated Kai would have a 'proper trial' and there was no way Skylor would let him off easily for this. Chen didn't exactly know about the attempt to recover the djinn, so could Clouse tell him he'd taken Kai down to the lower levels as a laborer? Chen didn't come to the lower levels but he had a number of other men he could ask to confirm Clouse's story if he wanted. And what to tell Skylor? Clouse spat out a few choice words.

"Humph. Sounds like you had a rough night."

Clouse spun, purple flames in hand... only to meet a very unimpressed Ronin. Clouse cursed again- this time internally. He could have sworn he left Ronin in falcon form, how was he human again?

"What are you doing here?"

Ronin rolled his eye. "Your magic dragged me here. Believe me, I'm not here because of your winning personality."

Okay, apparently his subconscious had some explaining to do. Not that he could afford to show Ronin he'd been pulled here by accident.

"Your target failed in his objective. The cave collapsed on him after barely a half hour. I need you to start scoping the city for another candidate, one of stronger moral integrity."

"Because you'd know anything about that." Ronin muttered, ignoring the withering glare Clouse sent him. "Why not use that other kid?"

"I need him for a different project. No, you are to find someone else. Quickly. The time frame is narrowing and if it passes before I get that lamp that wench of yours will be the first to feel my wrath." A dark look came over Ronin's face, but this time he held his tongue. "Go." In a flash of purple a falcon screeched, and took to the skies.

Clouse let out a long breath. With Ronin searching for another suitable candidate Clouse could focus on other matters. Like talking to the king. Groaning, Clouse weighed his options. Chen would only grow more angry if he waited until morning instead of being informed right away. Inform him of what though? That Clouse was going somewhat behind the king's back and lost the prisoner his daughter had already approached the king about?

Clouse's thoughts turned again to the lower levels. Due to the secret nature of the caverns, any prisoner, slave, or tradesman taken to them would never leave again. There might as well have been death warrants signed to them. Yet... death in the dungeon hold wasn't completely abnormal. Sometimes his guards were... overzealous. Other times prisoners decided to end it rather than face trial or the noose. That... that could work. It wasn't ideal, but it beat most of the alternatives.

Muttering under his breath Clouse traded his sandy robe for a fresh one and began the well worn trek to Chen's quarters. He had no idea what time it was, but the palace staff were all aware of Clouse's far from normal working hours. The two guards in front of Chen's door stepped quickly out of his way, not even bothering to announce Clouse.

Clouse knocked once before walking in. He wasn't particularly surprised to find Chen still awake, looking peeved over something Clouse didn't think he'd caused, in an armchair by his grand windows.

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