Chapter 2- Questions, Meetings and More Questions

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A/N- Love the love for Jaya and the Earth elemental in the last chapter 😉

Quick note about Skylor- she is still Master of Amber, but, though she can use any power she's absorbed, she can only do it at about 1/2 strength of what the original master could do at full strength. The philosophy there is kinda jack of all trades, master of none.

Also no combining two at once (tho she could do two different elements in rapid succession)

Skylor twirled a staff in front of her. In one swift motion she jabbed at her opponent's torso. The tall man stepped back, raising his own staff. The wood met with a loud crack. Undeterred Skylor dropped back a pace.

Holding her guard up she and her opponent circled, watching for an opening. Skylor leapt forward again. She swung her staff but the blow glanced off her attacker's left vambrace, his stance hardly showing he'd just deflected a hit. The man turned to the side and retaliated with a blow to Skylor's ribs. It was too fast for Skylor to dodge completely. She gasped in pain, the blow connecting hard despite the leather armor she wore.

Anger pulsed within her and she planted the staff on the ground. Throwing her weight onto it she lifted off, aiming a flying kick at his torso. He shifted sideways, exiting Skylor's line of vision. Before she could react a crack resounded. Her staff jerked sideways beneath her. Losing her grip and balance Skylor fell hard onto the floor, the staff rolling several feet away. Winded she could only stare at the wood inches from her chest. Rolling her eyes in defeat she tapped the ground. The staff was quickly replaced by a hand.

Cool blue eyes met her brown ones. "You're getting better, Princess."

Skylor's scoff echoed through the cement room, but she took his hand. "And yet you continually get the best of me, Captain Zane."

"I simply have had more practice than you, Your Highness." The platinum haired man stated matter-of-factly. "And if I may say; from failure we learn, from success... not so much."

Sighing, Skylor left her staff on the mat and walked to a pitcher of water sitting in the corner of the room. A male servant scurried to place the discarded weapon on its rack along the wall as Skylor took a cup offered to her by Zane. In a rare moment of abandon she tipped the cup over her brow and let the cold water wash over her.

Zane stood to the side until she finished before pouring a glass for himself. He sipped it, his cool countenance hardly giving off the appearance he'd just been sparring.

Giving him an appraising stare, Skylor took a second glass. "It continues to amaze me that the heat doesn't bother you."

The young man shrugged. "I'm afraid neither of us will know the answer to that. At least not any time soon." He ruefully tapped his temple.

Skylor nodded. His fair skin and fairer hair- a rarity in Ouroboros- gave the impression that he was a northerner. Such a lineage would make his resistance to the heat that much more impressive. However, having suddenly appeared outside the castle a few years ago with a severe case of amnesia, they weren't able to get any clear answers. Instead of leaving him to wander, King Chen allowed Zane to join the royal guard.


Before Zane could answer a knock came from the door. Zane answered it and Skylor heard an indistinct female's voice. With a nod of thanks- and was that a small smile???- Zane dismissed the servant.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness, our time has run its course. Your father wishes for your presence in the throne room within the half hour."

Throwing her sweaty braid over her shoulder, Skylor barely managed to hold in a huff. "I'd best get ready then."

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