Chapter 16- Introductions and Interrogations

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It took all the decorum Skylor possessed to keep from gaping like a child at the dragon rumbling through the castle gates. Of course she'd read about them, but to see a creature of legend was another thing entirely. Forcing her gaze away from the dragon she turned to study the figures riding it. There were two of them, one a mere child if her eyes didn't deceive her, and the other a young man. Skylor frowned as she studied him. Something niggled in the back of her mind, like the edges of a dream she couldn't quite reach. Maybe his hair reminded her of someone.

"Let's go greet our guests, shall we?" Chen's voice was full of meaning when he looked at Skylor.

Nodding, Skylor fell into step with her father. Clouse trailed a few steps behind the pair. Together they walked to the throne room. The crowd of servants still clogged the halls. Even the king's presence didn't dissuade them, though Chen's mind seemed elsewhere as he didn't reprimand them to return to their duties.

Squeezing amongst the throng, apprehension built within Skylor with every step. Earth had returned hardly a week ago, and now Fire also appeared from nowhere? Granted she still had to verify the newcomer had the Elemental power of Fire, as opposed to a magician or charlatan merely conjuring magical fire. Still, this couldn't be a coincidence. Would Lightning and Ice also make their way to the palace soon? And if so, what in the Realms was inciting such a phenomenon?

They took their seats mere moments before the party entered the throne room. Servants continued to crowd the doorway, but a wave of purple magic shut the doors with a resounding thud. Four individuals, the two who'd been riding the dragon, another young boy- a redhead- and young woman made their way towards the thrones. They were all dressed splendidly, in bright colorful clothing that didn't match any style Skylor had seen in Ouroboros. Stopping at the foot of the dais they stopped and bowed from the waist.

"I must say this is unexpected." Chen's voice remained steady, but conveyed disapproval.

"I'm sorry for the surprise, Your Highness," the male who'd introduced himself as Mishal rose from the bow and stepped forward, "we have been on a journey for a long time." Mishal paused.

Rather than jumping in to question him, Chen simply stared down at the young man. Skylor studiously avoided looking at her father. He hadn't been nearly this cold when Cole appeared just as suddenly in their midst. Although. . . Cole was a known lesser prince of a neighboring kingdom- and hadn't arrived riding a creature of legend. Skylor understood, and appreciated, a degree of caution, especially where magic was concerned. Yet, once again, she felt an undercurrent of. . . something from her father she couldn't place. Best to let it play out for now, but she resolved to get to the bottom of everything.

Mishal shifted before giving another slight bow. "I am afraid I don't really understand it myself. Only that there has been a tug inside me leading me here. To the birthplace of the Elemental Masters. My brothers and sister," he gestured to the young woman and two boys next to him, "insisted on coming with me."

That piqued Skylor's interest. The children had to be important enough to have made the trip with Mishal in the first place, but she wouldn't have pegged them as siblings. Only the young woman and Mishal had any similarities in features, and even then the comparison was minimal.

Then a thought struck her. It must have crossed Chen's mind at the same time as Skylor saw him grip his arm rests and lean forward asking, "Do they, or anyone else in your group, have magic?"

Mishal made a small noise that might have been a scoff, before quickly schooling his features and shaking his head. "My siblings aren't Elemental Masters."

That wasn't what Chen had asked. Skylor waited for a follow up question, but to her surprise Chen didn't pursue that further. He only surveyed them with a calculating look.

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