Chapter 5- A Delicate and Deliberate Dance

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A/n- ignore the electric lights in the above photo 😆. Also, because my phrasing has been confusing people, to clarify there is NO infant in this chapter 😅

"The cake is ready?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Skylor stepped sideways to avoid two servants carrying a table. Her eye scanned the expansive room currently filled with people setting furniture, hanging tapestries, and arranging cutlery. "The drink table is prepared?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"The guests who have arrived have been taken care of?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"And what about-"

"I'll take it from here." Chamille stepped in front of the maid whose green eyes were growing wider with each question. "Thank you Pixal." The girl curtsied and briskly left to take care of some other task- and before Skylor could send more questions her way.

"We've got this girl, you can breathe. It's not the first time the palace staff has put together a party."

"I know, I know." Skylor resisted the urge to rub her temples. "But this is the first time Father has put me in charge of the preparations. I don't want this to reflect poorly on him."

"He knows that and based on how everything is going, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about."

"She's right my dear," Another female voice cut in, "From what I can see you are doing a fabulous job."

Skylor's heart rose at the voice. She turned to face the newcomer. Standing calmly among the organized chaos, a stately middle aged woman, clothed in an emerald green gown that matched her eyes, smiled at the princess. A slim bundle rested in her arms.

"Lady Misako," Skylor gave the woman a deep head nod, the largest gesture of difference her elevated station allowed in front of so many people. In reality she wished to wrap Misako in a hug. "It means so much to me that you would come. If I may be candid, I was surprised that you accepted the invitation. My deepest condolences on your loss."

News had come only two months ago that the aging Lord Garmadon had succumbed to the illness that wracked his body for years. No one had ever officially figured out the cause of his ailment, a wasting disease that ate at both his body and mind, but gossip had whispered it stemmed from a broken heart over the loss of their son.

Sadness flickered in Misako's eyes even as she gave a gentle smile. "Thank you. As much as I will miss him, my husband is finally at peace. Besides, I wouldn't miss your coming of age birthday celebration for anything."

Those words meant more to Skylor than anyone might ever know. Though Misako's visits to the palace were few and far between, because of her husband's health, those visits allowed for a close bond to form between the women. In a way Misako became a surrogate mother for Skylor and Skylor was the child Misako never raised.

"When did you arrive?"

"Just after midday. I finished preparing my belongings and one of the maids informed me you were here."

Skylor swept her gaze around the room then sent a quick look to Chamille. With a nod Chamille turned to one of the annex rooms that lined the ballroom.

"It seems everything is taken care of for the moment. Let's retire to the drawing room for a few minutes where we can speak in relative peace."

Chamille ushered the two inside the room and closed the door behind them. Skylor let out a tiny sigh of relief as the noise instantly dimmed to a muted hum. Several plush couches sat close together in a U shape. Vaulted windows allowed golden sunlight to fill the room. Skylor settled on one of the seats facing Misako.

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