Chapter 7- Burning Questions and Frosty Receptions

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Skylor sat cross-legged on the ground. Closing her eyes she focused on taking deep, even breaths. The sound reverberated in the empty training room. Skylor's eyes snapped open and she mentally reached toward Amber.

Her body shot upward, nearly crashing into the ceiling. Biting back an unprincess-like curse, Skylor reflexively brought up her arms to block her face, but in doing so she let go of Gravity. Natural gravity was quick to regain control.

A strangled yelp tore from Skylor's mouth just before she crashed to the mat. She lay stunned, fighting to get air back into her lungs. Several long seconds later she struggled to a sitting position. 'Note to self: Gravity is fickle.'

And that was why she trained alone when she gained a new Element. The last thing she needed was to unintentionally hurt someone... and it decreased the witnesses to her less than graceful attempts at wielding. 

Closing her eyes, Skylor imagined herself gently cupping Gravity in her hands. Then, with another deep breath, she called for the Element. A slight breeze pushed her hair. Skylor tentatively opened her eyes. She was floating two feet above the floor. Her hold on Gravity wavered and Skylor plopped to the mat, but this time with a broad smile on her face.

Skylor continued to experiment with Gravity for the next couple hours. By the time a knock came on the door Skylor was able to hold herself stationary off the ground for nearly five minutes, and just over one minute when she bobbed up and down to various heights. She lay on the ground for another moment but the knock came again, more insistent. Groaning internally Skylor shakily rose to her feet. Her knees almost buckled but Skylor caught herself against the wall. 'I forgot how tiring learning a new Element was.' And she had four more to begin mastering- five when Chen took his ban off Skylor practicing Earth.

She swung the door open to see one of her maids. "Yes, Pixal?"

"Your Highness," Pixal hurried to curtsey, "I was sent to tell you the midday meal will be held in the royal dining room."

Which meant she and Chen would be eating with some of the guests- and that Skylor needed to make herself presentable. "Thank you." She turned to take one more drink of water and when she faced the door again she found Pixal looking around the room, almost expectantly. "Did you have another message you needed to deliver?"

Pixal's eyes widened. "No Highness. It's just, usually you're not training by yourself."

"He wouldn't be of much help with today's lesson, so I gave Captain Zane the morning off."

"I see."

Skylor raised an eyebrow. Was that disappointment in Pixal's voice? Pixal noticed Skylor's look and a light pink dusted her cheeks.

She hastily dropped into another curtsey. "If you'll excuse me, I must return to my chores."

Skylor nodded and Pixal hurried away. Letting out a small chuckle, Skylor gathered the rest of her training gear and began the trek to her room. She had noticed it was usually Pixal who was sent to end the morning spars. Apparently it had not been merely happenstance. Given Zane's warm (well as warm as Skylor had ever seen Zane) reception of her at the door earlier this week, Skylor suspected the feelings might be mutual. 'This should be fun.' Just because Skylor hadn't had any luck in her own love life didn't mean she would fault others for their success.

The walk to her room was largely uneventful. Most of their guests had left over the past two days and  the remaining stragglers were set to depart that afternoon. While her party had been a hit, Skylor was glad for the pace to return to normal in the palace- or as normal as it ever was.

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