Prologue- Beneath the Surface

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Two men sat in a dimly lit room looking over ancient scrolls. Both read silently, searching for cryptic answers recorded by generations past. The candles gradually burned low, but still they continued. Finally, in the early hours of the morning, one man let out a cry of triumph. He held up the scroll to his companion.

"This confirms it! The eclipse is real and will happen. Soon."

The other man frowned in concentration, years of planning flashed through his mind. "I don't know if we'll have everything ready in time. Several of the missing pieces still haven't been located. It's possible we're already too late for the ones that haven't been seen in decades."

Leaning back in his chair, the first man gripped a golden staff tightly. The shift sent silver refractions scattering around as the large diamond mounted on top caught the waning light. "There's no alternative. Everything must be ready. This will be the only chance I have."

"It's still unknown if anyone can survive such a transformation."

The man smirked. His hand left the staff and drifted over the image of an ornate lamp etched onto one of the scrolls. "If it comes to that I have another ace planned that will get me what I need."

"But if your attempt fails everyone will know what you're trying to do."

"I just have to play my cards right-" The man's eyes gleamed in the sputtering flames, "and soon the whole world will be mine."

A/N- My peeps I'm excited for this. Looking forward to doing an actual Ninjago story, though I plan to continue with the one-shots.

Quick note there is a hierarchy of elemental powers, but other than the 4 elements of creation, which still are the highest, they're not important to know off the bat.

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