Chapter 15- Motions and Masks in Play

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"You just said you'd like to eat a sock." Nelson managed to look extremely condescending for a (sort of) eleven year old. "Maybe we should just stick with the alphabet."

Nya stifled a snort. She pushed her hair back out of her face, an intricate updo that matched the lavish clothes she and Cade now wore as they rode alongside Atlas on a stallion.

Though Atlas probably could have fit all four of them semi-comfortably, Nelson pointed out that if Kai actually was an Elemental Lord, he wouldn't be squished amongst so many others. Even if Kai wanted to keep his siblings close, Nelson had a point. Didn't mean he liked it.

His eyes moved from Cade and Nya to the not-exactly-sentient entourage Nelson conjured spread out behind them. Half a dozen men in armor with banners bearing Fire's emblem rode behind them. Their numbers were only a few stronger than  soldiers who'd accompanied the Trerian prince only a couple weeks ago, but their bearing was much more impressive. However, the Trerian soldiers had the benefit of being real. Kai had no idea what the illusions were supposed to do when - if - Kai made it beyond the palace gate.

"-would mean only I could communicate with you since these two-" Nya's voice broke Kai out of his thoughts. He looked over in time to see his sister gesture to himself and Cade- "can't spell worth a lick."

"Hey!" Cade protested.

Kai didn't try to argue. She wasn't wrong. "Can you go through the alphabet again?" If nothing else they'd have something to fall back on.

Nelson huffed but obliged. They practiced in silence, occasionally broken by Nelson's corrections. The heat made it too uncomfortable for much of a conversation anyway. Gradually even the effort to sign was baked out of them by the relentless sun.

Kai had no idea how Clouse managed to teleport them so far from Ouroboros. Without Atlas, and the horse Nelson conjured for Nya and Cade, there would have been no way they'd survived the miles of desert- at least not without using another wish. Something Kai found himself extremely hesitant to do, even as his ribs and head throbbed in rhythm with Atlas' steps.

"You need a new name."

Kai started as Nya's words pierced him back to the present. "What?"

"You might look different thanks to Nelson's glamor, but the guards, princess, advisor and king know the name Kai. It's not common enough to be used at the palace."

Kai frowned in thought. "Any suggestions?"

Cade leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No." Kai cut him off before he could start. A pout covered Cade's face that Kai reflexively ignored.

"Mishal." Three sets of eyes turned to Nelson, who shrunk under the scrutiny. "It, uh, it means torch bringer."

"Torch bringer, huh?" Kai rolled the name around in his head. Not the worst alias he'd used, and on the nose for Fire without sounding silly like Blaze or something. "Nya you should probably also use another name, especially if your connection to Jay is known. And no Cade-" Kai started as Cade's mouth opened. "You should be below the radar enough that no one knows your name." Never mind the fact he got that name only a couple years ago. Cade shot him a stink eye.

"Mira." Nelson offered. He didn't add the meaning, but unspoken weight came in his tone.

After a few seconds Nya gave a nod. "I like it."

"Still don't see why I can't get a code name." Cade grumbled.

Kai felt Nelson's eyes boring into him, but the djin didn't offer up an alternative name for Cade. If Cade weren't in ear shot Kai would have thanked Nelson for not spurring Cade on.

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