Chapter 17- Of Answers Demanded and Taken

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The door had barely closed behind Skylor when Chen whipped toward Clouse. "How is this possible?"

"Sire, though I am many things, I am not all knowing." Clouse stated dryly. "As I mentioned previously, I need to research magic that can mimic that of the Elemental's."

"I need answers yesterday! If his brand of magic differs from the Elements and it's attempted to be absorbed it could destroy the diamond and all I've worked for."

Clouse habitually bit back his thoughts on that statement. He and Ronin had done most of the work at Chen's behest.

"I will start on it now." Clouse resigned himself to even more sleepless nights for the foreseeable future.

Clouse began his descent from the dais when a thought occurred to him. "Sire, your daughter still doesn't know the fate of the thief. She might have forgotten given Mishal's and his entourage's appearance, but she will likely remember soon."

Waving a hand, Chen brushed off the warning. "I'll see to it."

Content to let Chen deal with his infuriating offspring, Clouse headed back to his quarters. Away from prying eyes he transported himself to his underground study. For a moment he stood, running a critical eye over his bookshelves. The majority of his books and scrolls were devoted to magic or the Elements in one form or fashion. While Clouse had read most, if not all, his library's contents, none of the titles immediately stood out as helpful for his new questions.

Muttering a searching spell under his breath, Clouse watched purple light hover over ten or so books and scrolls. More than Clouse would easily be able to read in one night. With a long suffering sigh he sent a curl of magic to summon Ronin. Gathering the illuminated manuscripts, Clouse waited impatiently for Ronin.

The man appeared in a flurry of feathers that quickly shifted to human features. Breathing heavily Ronin rose, but for once didn't bite out a snarky comment.

Clouse gestured to the books he'd piled on his table. "Tonight we are researching magic and its manifestation."

"I thought you bragged you were plenty strong with yours." Ronin grumbled.

Clouse stomped down the urge to throw Ronin across the room with his magic. He couldn't risk dazing him when too much was at stake with too little time to manage it. "Start reading. Alert me for anything that hints at another source of power beyond Elements or traditional sorcery."

"Fine. Have the half blind guy do hours more of reading." Ronin grimaced at the stack of books. "Nothing wrong with this image."

"It's called cruel irony, like my reliance on you. Get to it." Clouse punctuated his words with a blast of magic that shoved Ronin toward the table.

Continuing to grumble under his breath, Ronin pulled a scroll from the pile and sat down with a thump. Clouse followed behind him, picking up the nearest book.

Hours ticked by. The stack of read literature grew larger, with no success finding anything helpful.

"There has to be something!" Clouse pounded the staff on the floor. Sharp white light flashed through the room, reminding Clouse he hadn't transferred the siphoned energy out of the diamond since absorbing Ice.

Ronin jumped, his eye shooting wide open for the first time in an hour. Groaning, he shook his head. "I ain't seeing nothing but different ways to practice your brand of magic. One of these had a buncha' information on what rocks and jewels can do for sorcery, but you seem to know all about that already."

Indeed that particular scroll had been the key to everything Clouse currently worked for. It had given the information on how magic or Elements could be contained and harnessed for something greater. In his travels to study magic he'd found his diamond staff with its siphoning abilities. While Chen had never let Clouse practice with the diamond on Skylor or the other nobles, Zane arriving several years ago gave the perfect outlet to determine the range of the diamond's capabilities. Especially once the young man's memory and his father had been dealt with. From there Clouse learned how to offload the energy into other crystals, so as not to overwhelm the diamond. Something he needed to do now before adding new Elements to the mix.

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