Chapter 3- Dark Caves and Dark Aspirations

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Clouse stared intently at Prince Cole's retreating form. Something moved in his periphery and he turned to see Chen dismissing the guard. Soon the two men were alone in the large room.

Chen drummed his fingers on his throne. "A surprising turn of events, to say the least. What do you make of this?"

"The timing is... most curious."

Nodding, Chen leaned back in his chair. "My thoughts exactly. Him withholding the fact he's the Master of Earth is suspicious in of itself."

"It's possible he doesn't know." Clouse ran a hand down his scepter. "History has shown that Trerian is a country that doesn't exactly... appreciate that which they don't understand. Elemental masters being among such."

"We'll see. He's very powerful if it is indeed him causing the widespread tremors. " Chen gave Clouse a sidelong glance. "Keep a close eye on him."

"Of course, Your Majesty. I also must inform you that I received word that Lord Neuro sends his regards but he will be unable to make it to Skylor's birthday... again."

Chen's face darkened. "What was his excuse this time?"

"Something about a family emergency. He neatly forgot to give the specifics."

"That man has taken far too many liberties with my patience over the years... he's started to become much more than a nuisance. I'll have you draft a response later. Anyone else I should be aware of?"

"No. The other guests have sent their replies and should begin arriving tomorrow."

"Good, good. I expect a report from you tonight."

"Of course, sire." Giving a partial bow, Clouse excused himself.

After exiting the room Clouse kept his face impassive, but his thoughts were anything but calm. It had been several years since a new Elemental master had appeared and now, of all the times it could happen, another master of Creation literally appeared on their doorstep. The timing hardly could be a coincidence. Frowning, Clouse picked up speed, ignoring the servants who literally ran to get out of his way.

Once in his chambers Clouse shut his door with more force than strictly necessary. 'This does not leave much time to prepare.' Doing a quick sweep of the room to make sure it was empty, Clouse struck the staff on his chamber floor. A piercing clang rang out. The white diamond flashed and Clouse muttered a spell under his breath. As the light faded from the room, Clouse did too.

Soft firelight danced against the cave walls. Not bothering to wait for his eyes to adjust, Clouse took the familiar path deeper into the earth. The tunnel opened into a large room lit by torches and a central fire pit. Illuminated in the glow were several tables scattered about filled with scrolls, jars, bottles and bits of metals. Most notably was a large planetary model set on metal stands moving in real time.

Walking to the display, Clouse tracked the sun, moon and earth's slow rotations. Clouse whispered another spell. The spheres accelerated, whipping around the base of the podium as time artificially passed. Then, with an audible shriek, the model stopped. The sun rested in front of the planet, moon between the two.


Flickering images of the nearest planets in the solar system appeared- all lined up directly behind the sun.

Clouse stared at the earth, standing alone in the solar system. An event that came only every 300 years.

A high pitched caw came from the stalactites, breaking Clouse from his musings. He let the illusion fade and the planet returned to its present location. Looking up Clouse waited for a large falcon to land on the ground in front of him.

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