Chapter 1- New Morning, Old Problems

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Kai sat on the windowsill staring at the world before him. The sun's first rays peaked over the eastern dunes, turning the brick homes and shops clustered together dark gold.

A gentle breeze gently tugged at him and the strip of ragged cloth that served as a curtain. Kai savored the moment. The cool of the night would last only a few more minutes before the full force of the desert sun bore down on the city.

Muted sighing came from behind him. Glancing backwards, Kai saw his younger siblings still asleep in the corner. Though the day needed to get under way, he let them sleep for a few minutes more. Anything to delay the hunger pangs that would grip them upon awakening.

Nya rolled in her sleep, taking the blanket with her and leaving Cade's uncovered. The younger boy grunted, unconsciously reaching for the covering. Kai laughed quietly, but the sound died in his throat when a sunbeam fell directly on Cade.

Illuminated by the light, the roots of Cade's hair glowed a bright blond- starkly contrasting the reddish brown coloring the rest of it. Frowning, Kai knew- without looking- they were still without henna after the last dyeing. The only other alternative never went over well. He rubbed his temples. Might as well get it over with.

To decrease arguing time Kai scooped several handfuls of sand into a bottle. Then he poured water over the sand until he made a thin mud. Clay from the walls was added until the container held a reddish brown paste. Walking over to the pair Kai pulled the blanket away with a flourish. He was met with synchronized groans.

"Hey kiddos. Time to rise and shine."

"Five more minutes." Nya muttered, rolling away from Kai.

"Sorry, no can do."

"Ka-ai. It's too early to be up." Cade made grabbing motions for the blanket. His hands froze when he saw the bottle in Kai's grasp. "No. Not today." The boy furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to look menacing- but it had more of the effect of a growling puppy.

"Nope. You have to today. I can see the lighter hair coming up. And you know if I'm able to see it, others can too."

"But it's disgusting." Cade whined.

"It's keeping you safe and you know it."

Cade frowned but didn't have a comeback for the true statement. "Fine."

He reached up and Kai handed him the bowl. With more grumbling than necessary he began to smash the mixture onto his scalp. Slowly his hair took on a more even red color.

Knowing she wouldn't fall back asleep, Nya sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What's the plan for today?"

"Namely finding something to eat."

Cade's hands froze and he frowned. "We don't have anything for breakfast?"

Kai raised a cocky eyebrow. "Not yet." The boy rolled his eyes but didn't bother responding. "We need food and-"

"-More dye." Cade sourly put in.

"Yes," Kai drew out the word, "I'll try to get more."

"Good because I am not doing this tomorrow."

Biting his tongue to keep from shooting off a response Kai turned to his sister. "Nya you were planning on heading back to the shop, right?"

She nodded. "Jay and I think we might get our newest project done today. If we do, and it works, this might be the break we all need."

'That would be helpful.' Kai didn't voice his thoughts, but a dangerous spike of hope rose within him. "Okay. Cade, get ready to go."

"Ugh can't I go with you today? They make me get stuff so they can make kissy faces at each other."

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