Chapter 11- Flashing Flames and Swirling Smoke

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"Sir?" Clouse looked up to see Zane at his doorway.

"You spoke to the prisoner?" It was less a question and more a statement.

"Yes, sir."

"And?" The word lashed out.

Zane's calm demeanor didn't change. "He said he'll speak with you about how to make amends."

A predatory smile came to Clouse's face. "Excellent. You are dismissed and may return to your quarters."

At that the captain's eyes narrowed briefly and Clouse felt the temperature around him fall. "With all do respect sir it's outside of regulation policy to leave the dungeons without a captain on duty."

"I believe my presence will be sufficient to quell anyone who tries to step out of line." Zane didn't particularly seem to agree, but he didn't argue with his superior.

Still with him known for being a  rule stickler... Clouse bit back the irritation rising toward one of the actually competent members of the guard- particularly one Clouse needed to keep close. He turned and opened a bottle of wine. Pouring it into two glasses he added a quick pinch of sleeping power to Zane's before handing it to the man. Zane frowned at the offering.

"It's not permitted for a soldier on duty-"

"Ah, ah, ah, but I'm telling you to go off duty. If I remember correctly you're training the princess in the morning so you shouldn't be on night watch anyway. When I leave the dungeon I'll alert the watch that a new captain needs to come on duty."

That seemed to grudgingly appease Zane. He accepted the glass and left Clouse's room. Clouse growled to himself. He did not have time to deal with Zane and the urchin tonight. Hopefully that wine would keep Zane dead to the world until Clouse could siphon his powers again. Drat the strength of a primary Element.

Clouse mentally shook himself and took a deep breath. One objective at a time. He had a prisoner to visit.


Kai had no way to track the passage of time, other than the fact it was still dark, but it felt like it had been a while when more footsteps came near. Kai's heart began to thump in his chest. He shoved down a grimace and attempted to keep his face neutral. That proved to be rather difficult when nearly six feet of definitely-fitting-the-vib- of-a-dark-wizard entered the cell and towered over him.

Kai wished he could stand on his own two feet but didn't fancy face planting in front of the man. "Your guard said you had a job offer?"

Clouse didn't immediately reply and Kai tried hard not to fidget beneath the man's almost glare. "Hmph. You'll do."

"You sure know how to make someone feel special." Kai deadpanned.

Something snaked its way around Kai's abdomen and pulled tight, forcing the air out of Kai's lungs. Thrashing from side to side, an action that sent agony through his already aching torso, Kai fought for breath that wouldn't come. Darkness began to creep in the edges of his vision when the pressure suddenly vanished. He gasped and started coughing.

"In case I didn't make myself clear, there are others I can use. If you'd like to stay alive and return to your miserable existence I'd recommend you keep your droll comments to yourself."

Not that Kai knew what droll meant, but he got the gist. That didn't stop him from sending a real glare up at the advisor.

"Glad we're on the same page." Clouse struck his staff on the ground and a puff of purple smoke rose around the pair. An image of a cave  opening formed in the cloud.

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