Chapter 2

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⚠️mention of r*pe and bullying⚠️

"Hey. Y/N was it? Why don't you come join us for lunch?" Kuroo enquired.

"O-ok. A-are you sure?" You ask.

"Yeah it's fine." Kuroo responded.

"Erm. O-ok then." You say, looking down at the floor.

Kenma's POV:
'She's really shy like me. I feel bad for her. I think she only said yes because she felt pressured.' I thought.

I honestly felt bad. I mean she did transfer from Aoba Johsai. She probably had to put up with quite a bit. Maybe I should say she does not have to join if she does not want to. I do not want her to feel pressured. I know I would feel the same way if I felt forced to do something.

"Y-you don't have to force yourself I-if you don't want to." I quietly said.

"Kenma what's that about? If you do not wanna eat with us, you don't have to." Kuroo added.

"N-no. It is fine. I d-don't have any friends anyway." She replied.

"W-what about your old school?" I asked.

She shook her as in to say 'no' before she replied. "I d-don't have any friends at that school because... well... I don't wanna talk about it." She said.

Ok. Something must have happened there. But what? I wanna ask. But I do not want to force her. I wonder what it could have been. I wonder what could have caused her to move so suddenly. And to move location as well. This makes me feel uncomfortable. I hope she is ok. I want her to feel safe with us.

We walked to our usual spot, the roof. On arrival, the three of us sat down. Me and Kuroo got out our Bento's. But she just sat there. Did she not bring any food? Maybe I could offer her mine. It could be something else entirely. But I do not want to pry.

Third Person POV:
"How come you're not eating?" Kuroo asked.

"O-oh. I-I am not hungry. I have food, but I'm not hungry." You say.

"You should eat though." Kuroo said.

"I-I'm fine. I'll eat later." You say.

"P-please eat." Kenma said.

"Oh no I feel bad now. I'll just eat, that might get them to stop." You thought.

"F-fine I-I'll eat." You eventually give in.

"I don't mean to pry, but what made you up and move here?" Kuroo asked.

You sighed before answering. "I-I don't want to talk about it." You say.

You look down at your food before pulling your phone out of your pocket to look through social media. You did not want to, but it took your mind off of the whole situation. You opened Instagram and saw you had some messages from some people. You clicked on the message button and opened them and read them all.

"You're so ugly. No wonder nobody liked you. Oikawa was right to leave you. No wonder he left you. You deserve nobody."

"Imagine being raped by somebody. So laughable. No wonder Oikawa left you after only 1 week. You meant nothing to him."

"You're the lowest of the low. It is a good thing you left. Nobody liked you anyway."

You put your phone down and tried to hide your tears. You wanted to hide your face mainly. You wanted to run away from this. But it followed you. It always follows you. Like a lost puppy.

"I-I n-need t-to g-go." You say, standing up and trying to hide your tears.

"W-what's the matter?" Kenma asked.

"I-Ijust n-need some time alone." You say before heading for the doors.

Kenma's POV:
"W-what was that about?" I ask.

"Maybe we should follow her and make sure she's ok. It looked like she was holding back tears." Kuroo said.

"Yeah." I reply.

We followed after her and saw her run into the bathroom. Great. We cannot go in there. If only we were friends with other girls. Wait. Kuroo is. He could probably get one of his fan girls to help. No. They will make it worse. Maybe Kuroo has nice friends? Oh what am I thinking. I highly doubt Kuroo knows anybody that fits that description and would not worsen this situation.

"Hey! Yumeko! We need a favour." Kuroo shouts.

"Sure. What's up?" The girl named Yumeko asks.

"Ok. So we were eating lunch with our new friend when she just up and left. And went in there. But we want to make sure she is ok. So could you tell her that we want to talk to her, please?" Kuroo asks. I thought he would have gone into way more detail. I guess he does care.

"Sure. What's her name?" Yumeko asks.

"Y/N." I add.

"Ok." Yumeko responded before disappearing.

Yumeko's POV:
I wanted to know why Kuroo cared so much. Maybe something really is up with this girl. I do not want to come off as rude. How do I approach this? Knock on every cubicle till I find the one she is in? ok that is weird. I think I will just say her name. But I will make sure nobody else is in there when I do it. I do not want to scare her.

"Y/N? Hello. My name is Yumeko. I'm a friend of Kuroo's." I say.

She unlocks the cubicle and steps out. She has been crying. I see why Kuroo was worried. And his friend seemed worried too. I feel bad now.

"Y-yes?" She says.

"Kuroo and his friend just wanted to make sure you were alright. And they asked me to be their messenger since they can't come in." I said.

"O-oh. I'll go and tell them." She said.

Scars to your beautiful - Kenma x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now