Chapter 6

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⚠️mentions of self-harm⚠️

You left the living room and went upstairs to go and change. You came back into the living room a moment later in shorts and a t-shirt. They stared at you as if to say, 'are you sure you should be wearing shorts right now?' You chose to wear shorts because it was something you could change into. But you were unhappy about wearing a t-shirt. You wanted to wear a hoodie to hide your arms. But your mum had not packed you any hoodies.

"Hey. Wanna watch a movie?" Kuroo said.

"Erm. Ok. What movie?" You ask.

"How about a horror film?" Kenma asked, your face went pale.

"What's wrong?" Kuroo asked.

"I'm not that great with horror films." You say.

"It's ok. I'm sure you'll be alright." Kuroo says.

"I'll get snacks." Kenma says.

Kenma left you and Kuroo in the living room and headed to his kitchen. You tried leaving the living room because you did not want to watch the horror film, but Kuroo stopped you by picking you up. He placed you on the sofa and sat next to you. Kenma came back with snacks and sat on the other side of you. Kuroo picked up the tv remote and flicked through the channels until he found a horror film. He paused the film and got up to go and close the curtains. He sat back down and pressed play.

The film started and you unwillingly sat there. Every time a jump scare would appear, you would jump slightly in your seat and squeal. When the next jump scare came, you buried your face in Kenma's arm, causing him to blush. You took a peak at the screen, then put your head on Kenma's shoulder, causing him to blush even more while Kuroo smirked at the two of you. As the movie went on, you began growing more and more tired. Soon falling asleep on Kenma's shoulder. Once the film ended, he realised and looked straight at Kuroo as if to say, "what am I supposed to do?"

"Carry her to the spare room." Kuroo says.

"I don't want to wake her. Besides, she's the same height as me." Kenma says, quietly.

"You'll be fine. I'll clean up down here, you take her upstairs." Kuroo says. "If she wakes up, ask her about, well you know." Kuroo says, standing up.

Kenma's POV:
"Yeah I know." I say.

I carry her upstairs. She is really light. Her (H/L) (H/C) flowing as I walk. I place her down on the bed and tuck her in. I want to kiss her forehead, but I do not. I go to leave the room when she mutters 'stay.' It sent a chill down my spine and brought a blush to myself. She wants me to stay? She wants me to stay by her side? Maybe she is still scared after the movie. She did not want to watch it, but Kuroo insisted. I feel bad now.

"D-don't go Kenma." She whispers.

"Ok. I will not go. What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm scared, Kenma. I am scared the more you find out about me, the more we will become distant. The more you will not want to be near me. I am a wreck of a human. I do not even take my life for granted. And leave scars on my body to show it." She whispers.

"What sort of scars?" I ask.

"Scars of someone who wants to end their own life. I cannot cope anymore. That is why I do it. Surely you know what I mean. Ever since the Aoba Johsai event happened, I have been distant from everyone. And this is the first time I've really opened up." She says.

"You don't have to worry. Me and Kuroo are here for you. I am worried about you. I have finally found a friend I can relate to. And I don't want to lose you." I  softly say.

A tear fell down her cheek before she responded. "Are you sure you're not just saying that?" She asks.

"No. I'm not. Why don't you come watch our volleyball practices, maybe get back into the sport?" I ask.

"Erm. Yeah alright." She says.

Kenma leaves and you try and get some sleep. You tried for about an hour but gave up.Instead, you left your room and went downstairs. You brought your switch andcharger with you, then sat on Kenma's sofa. You turned on your switch and beganplaying on it. After what seemed like a couple hours, you fell asleep on Kenma's sofa.

Scars to your beautiful - Kenma x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now