i love you..

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Ra: 《Ah Varian!  I think you will need these ..》 V: 《my ampoules!  Thanks Rapunzel》 (Rapunzel smile) E: 《sunshine what's wrong?》 Ra: 《No it's okay (smile)》 E: 《I know that smile (questioning look)》 Ra: (sighs):  ok I'm worried, I don't have my hair anymore》 E: 《but you have your pan》 he say smiling ironically, Ra: 《ahaha oh Eugene you're right》 V: 《here is the castle!》 The guards raise their weapons and burst on the castle  Ruby was there, sitting on the throne, this black throne with rainbow parrot feathers, V: 《Ruby?》 Ruby looks up suddenly, the eyes were white and luminescent, she got up, went to Varian, but she did something he didn't expect, she started fighting with all the guards, but she didn't hurt him, nobody managed to escape, not even Cassandra, they were tired, on the ground, they didn't have strength.  Marcus approaches laughing, M: 《Can't you beat a little girl?  AHAHA》 V: 《What did you do to her ?!》 Varian notices that Marcus had the crown with the Ruby stone.  《W..What?  How ..》 M: 《why is he still standing?  I ordered you ALL》 Ruby doesn't answer, Varian gets angry, starts running around Marcus and throws one of his ampoules, the one of the fog, Marcus is confused, Varian throws another ampoule that he had found in his haste, it was the one of fainting,  Marcus and Ruby pass out.  Varian approaches and takes the crown, breaks the stone.  He immediately goes to Ruby and hugs her, looks at her while still helpless, he is in love with that girl, he feels, he hugs her tightly to himself, at that moment she wakes up, realizes what is happening but she is still, V:  I love you ..》 whispers.  Ruby replies: 《I love you too》 and she hugs him.  Varian blushes, peels off and says 《I mean, I love you yes, in the sense of friendship, haha》 embarrassed.  R:《 Same thing for me ...》she says embarrassed.  Varian looks at Marcus, V: 《we have to lock you uncle in the cell》 R: 《how do we do it?》 V: 《they will help us..oh right》 G: 《we will help you!》 Ruby and Varian smile.  Marcus is finally blocked, everything returns as before, Miriam the mother of Ruby is freed, Yuma and Gabriel will take care of that kingdom, Ruby knows that they will do a good job, and here is a new chapter in the story.
(To be continued)

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