let's go..

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* they walk towards the point * meaning Ruby and Varian start talking about them, Varian finds out what interests Ruby has, Ruby is a girl who likes to draw people, animals, and nature, Ruby's favorite color is the blue and purple because it reminds her of the sky... V: Wow what a beautiful necklace !! Where did you get that? (A necklace with a white stone in a circle, it seemed to light up sometimes) R.: Thanks! it is very important to me, you know it has a power, my father gave it to me .. is no longer there .. V: Is he .. dead? R.: Yes. (Tears come down from Ruby's eyes) it's okay I'm fine (she says to herself) V: I also lost a parent of mine ... my mother died, I met her for a short time, not I don't even remember how her face was anymore, when I see the picture of her with me .. I feel a void inside. R.: My father died 3 years ago, all because of a sudden illness ... ok let's not talk about it, what do you like to do to you? V: oh well as you can see I'm an alchemist😌, I like reading books about science, and also .. books about flynn rider (laughs) once I met flynn for real, only it really wasn't the real flynn one in the book, though it's cool all the same. R.: very interesting (laughs). - A strange noise interrupted the conversation, R.: What was that ?? V: It sounded like a male voice .. (laughter comes from the woods); R.: oook .. maybe it's better if we get away from here. -
the hidden laughter of the woods came from Gabriel and Yuma, Brother and Sister, nephews of King Marcus and cousins ​​of Ruby. G: did you see who was there? Y: oh yes I have seen ahahah. We have to go tell Uncle Marcus that she is here, and we will finally have power thanks to that stupid necklace. hihi. G: exactly so dear little sister .. * they run to the castle * G: Uncle Marcus, we saw Ruby in the blackberry grove, I think your plan is working! -. M: ohoh loves her mother so much that she would do anything to get her back, like give me her necklace and she'll stay with me! .- (Ruby's mother in chains (Miriam) bangs her fists on the floor) M: Don't get upset witch you are nothing else, we will pretend to let you free and then I will kill you .. what? do you want to tell me something? Oh .. you just can't speak because of the HAHAHAH potion. sorry but that's what you deserve !! (Miriam gives a very nasty look)Well my dear, go to her and try to be friendly, you know right? she always had possibilities, she is such a silly girl. -. (ok let's go back to Varian and Ruby) V: Ruby these bags are so heavy, we have too much stuff-. R.: we have food, water and something to defend ourselves, don't complain. - V: ok .. those voices from before made me uncomfortable- R.: Oh yes, me too, and I don't know but those voices seemed familiar to me, I'm very anxious ..- (Varian looks over his shoulder) OHH! (A girl and a boy stood behind them, with a smile printed on their face, , the girl was had long black hair, yellow eyes But sad, and in a dress that ranged from purple to black,The boy, on the other hand, had long hair down to his shoulder, yellow eyes sad too.) -. Y: Hii! :) - G: Hi😒. - R.: What? what .. what are you doing here? Y: ohh nothing passed through here and we recognized you! -. R.: ah wow.😒 you can also go I'm not interested in talking to you. V: wait Ruby, do you know them? are they your friends? -. R.: No! emh, they are my cousins, but after what Marcus did to my father and my mother, I don't trust them anymore. G: hey but we have nothing to do with it, I would like to have a good relationship with you, would you like to start over ..? -. R.: okay, you're right .. (the two guys smile) V: so .. Pleased to meet you, I'm Varian !! G: I don't care. Y: my pleasure! (languid eyes) (Ruby begins to get nervous, and gets close to Varian so he doesn't stand next to Yuma)
Yuma: ok anyway we have to go see you;), let's go Gabriel...
(continue below)

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