oh gosh...

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Marcus: Why doesn't that idiot come back, what is he doing ?! (Talk about the guard) - paces back and forth around the room nervous: ARTEMIS come here (artemis the magician) tell me what I have to do to get the kingdom, why does that stone not work ?! - A: Marcus your heart is not pure enough for that stone, and then by divine law that stone belongs to Ruby, it cannot work with anyone else. - M: What ?! (He kneels on the ground and prayer in ancient Aramaic) - black figures appear behind him, he grins and heads to the cellar. - R: Varian is there something wrong? - V: no Ruby, it's just that ... (Sighs) I always get in trouble, I'm afraid to let him down again ..- R: hey Varian you won't disappoint anyone, I'm sure your father is prouder of how much do you think. - V: Thanks .. for saying that. - footsteps coming from the stairs interrupt the conversation, Varian starts shaking: now we're going to die I can feel it (says Varian) - R: ahhh how pessimistic you are, surely it's not bad - she peeks through the wall and immediately runs inside a door with Varian- V: what did I tell you ?! - R: WE ARE NOT ABOUT TO DIE! - M: where you are children. - V: children to whom (says angrily softly) - Ruby was trying to see if there was some secret exit from there, she was sure there was, she knew that there were secret passages throughout the castle, and there it was found! - R: come stupid let's get out of here- V: I like it when you call me stupid (flirting face) - (Ruby face palm) Serious Varian? - and here they manage to get out of there. R: beware that there is ... - Varian falls because of a stone, and comes on Ruby- R: stone ..- Varian smiles- Ruby pushes him away embarrassed and Varian laughs , making Ruby giggle too but ..
M: here you are! - Ruby gets scared but the only thing she wants is to protect varian, she covers Varian with her arm to act as a shield, her eyes and the necklace light up, Varian looks at her, his heart beats fast, he knows he feels something more but comes back itself, Marcus approaches, But here Ruby hugs Varian and a bubble of protection does not let Marcus and the demons pass, R: Varian give me your hand! - he does and they start running fast when all of a sudden ... Voices: Varian! Varian !!! - it was Rapunzel, Eugene and the guards, Varian starts screaming to get their attention but they don't hear it, R: Varian can't hear you, the bubble doesn't make sounds outside. - V: let's get closer! - only that the bubble disappears, Ruby does not have the right energy, she screams in pain because too much energy, Rapunzel turns around but the time to do it and Ruby is already gone with Marcus, Varian, however, remained there in tears. Rapunzel: Varian! What happens?? Varian hugs Rapunzel: she's in danger (says Varian)
Rapunzel looks worried at nothing: let's go back to the castle for now Varian. - V: Also this time you want to turn your back on me princess, if you don't help me I will do much worse than the last time ... (Evil look) and you will pay for both times ..- Ra: you are blackmailing me- V: oh yes princess I can ruin your life. - Ra: Varian please I want to help you and this time I really will not forget only that now it is better to go back ..- V: I will go alone I do not need your help your highness. - Varian sighs: how will I do ..- Cassandra:.Instead we're going to save her now .- Varian turns around: CASSANDRA! - Varian was so happy, he runs to hug, she reciprocates and smiles, Ra: Cass better wait a moment could be dangerous- C: Marcus: Why doesn't that idiot come back, what is he doing ?! (Talk about the guard) - paces back and forth around the room nervous: ARTEMIS come here (artemis the magician) tell me what I have to do to get the kingdom, why does that stone not work ?! - A: Marcus your heart is not pure enough for that stone, and then by divine law that stone belongs to Ruby, it cannot work with anyone else. - M: What ?! (He kneels on the ground and prayer in ancient Aramaic) - black figures appear behind him, he grins and heads to the cellar. - R: Varian is there something wrong? - V: no Ruby, it's just that ... (Sighs) I always get in trouble, I'm afraid to let him down again ..- R: hey Varian you won't disappoint anyone, I'm sure your father is prouder of how much do you think. - V: Thanks .. for saying that. - footsteps coming from the stairs interrupt the conversation, Varian starts shaking: now we're going to die I can feel it (says Varian) - R: ahhh how pessimistic you are, surely it's not bad - she peeks through the wall and immediately runs inside a door with Varian- V: what did I tell you ?! - R: WE ARE NOT ABOUT TO DIE! - M: where you are children. - V: children to whom (says angrily softly) - Ruby was trying to see if there was some secret exit from there, she was sure there was, she knew that there were secret passages throughout the castle, and there it was found! - R: come stupid let's get out of here- V: I like it when you call me stupid (flirting face) - (Ruby face palm) Serious Varian? - and here they manage to get out of there. R: beware that there is ... - Varian falls because of a stone, and comes on Ruby- R: stone ..- Varian smiles- Ruby pushes him away embarrassed and Varian laughs , making Ruby giggle too but ..
M: here you are! - Ruby gets scared but the only thing she wants is to protect varian, she covers Varian with her arm to act as a shield, her eyes and the necklace light up, Varian looks at her, his heart beats fast, he knows he feels something more but comes back itself, Marcus approaches, But here Ruby hugs Varian and a bubble of protection does not let Marcus and the demons pass, R: Varian give me your hand! - he does and they start running fast when all of a sudden ... Voices: Varian! Varian !!! - it was Rapunzel, Eugene and the guards, Varian starts screaming to get their attention but they don't hear it, R: Varian they can't hear you, the bubble doesn't make sounds outside. - V: let's get closer! - only that the bubble disappears, Ruby does not have the right energy, she screams in pain because too much energy, Rapunzel turns around but the time to do it and Ruby is already gone with Marcus, Varian, however, remained there in tears. Rapunzel: Varian! What happens?? Varian hugs Rapunzel: she's in danger (says Varian)
Rapunzel looks worried at nothing: let's go back to the castle for now Varian. - V: Also this time you want to turn your back on me princess, if you don't help me I will do much worse than the last time ... (Evil look) and you will pay for both times ..- Ra: you are blackmailing me- V: oh yes princess I can ruin your life. - Ra: Varian please I want to help you and this time I really will not forget only that now it is better to go back ..- V: I will go alone I do not need your help your highness. - Varian sighs: how will I do ..- Cassandra:.Instead we're going to save her now .- Varian turns around: CASSANDRA! - Varian was so happy, he runs to hug, she reciprocates and smiles, Ra: Cass better wait a moment could be dangerous- C: i'm not afraid of danger(satisfied face) - Rapunzel sighs smiles and hugs her: Ok Cassandra let's do it. (Continued below)

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