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the sound of an owl caught the attention of the three guys. R: Safiria! (a white owl landed on Ruby's arm.) - V: how cute!! what is his name? - R: she is a female, as I said before her name is Safiria. Aw what are you doing here? - S: uh-uhh-uh- R: but there was no need, you better come home- S: UH-UHHH - R: ok yes we are a team.- V: you talk whit an.. Owl?? - R: what's strange, you talk to the raccoon. - V: hahaha, well you are right - Yuma with a confused face says: you are made for each other. - Arriving at the castle (a very large castle, purple and blue,just beauty castle) Ruby and Varian try to enter from the back while Yuma instead goes to Marcus to distract him. Ruby and Varian manage to enter but there are guards just around the corner, Ruby silences Varian. R: VARIAN (says quietly) V: what is it ?! - R: there are guards. V: and what do we do now? - R: we have to take the guards somewhere else- V: can't you use magic? - R: hey I don't have definite powers yet! Only the necklace gives me power when I feel emotions. - V: Can you feel anger at your uncle, for what he did? - (Ruby sighs) only sometimes, only if it happens to me in the moment, if I think about anger I can't. If only I could make the necklace shine with my power, I could blind them. - (Varian thinks, thinks) Varian hugs Ruby tightly, she gets very embarrassed but her necklace manages to shine, and blinds the two guards. They are about to reach the room where the mother is, but all of a sudden .... Marcus: well well, you finally came. - R: Marcus! How? .. YUMA ?!
Y: I'm so sorry, but I've changed my mind.( Sad face)
V: What do you want from her ?! - M: is this the stupid child you were talking about?
R: Stupid child? But how dare you ... (the necklace takes energy)
He is a fantastic and wonderful guy, but as you see you are a monster, and you will never allow yourself to hurt the people I love! - Ruby's eyes light up, She stretches her hand at Marcus to hurt him, but Marcus starts laughing. M: did you think I was such a stupid little girl? I have already taken steps to protect myself from you, if you give me your necklace now, I will give you back your mother. - Ruby sad, falls to the ground - R: Okay! You won, I'll give you the necklace. V: RUBY! - A: Quiet Varian is now done. - Marcus takes the necklace. M: Guards lock them up! - R: what !!! NO NO! You promised !! - V: WHY DO THIS, STOP !! - they lock them in the cell- Ruby bursts into tears. - V: you know I understand you, I also went through something like that. - R: really? - V: yes but in the end everything was fine. I had also become a villain, but that role is not for me. - Ruby gets closer to Varian. R: if you like, I'll listen to you. - Varian gives a half smile and begins to tell. Suddenly, however, Ruddiger and Safiria arrive with a bunch of keys. Varian and Ruby rejoice, find the right key and slowly leave the cell and go to spy on Marcus. they manage to find him and Ruby to avoid being seen goes back quickly but bumping into Varian -R: oh god, sorry, sorry I'm so clumsy HAH - M: Can you do it Idiot !? Set that diamond in the crown. Setter: I can't! It's not my fault this thing is weird. - Wise sorcerer: that stone cannot be set, it is magical. - M: what does it mean? How do I do then? - you must read the scroll of magic crown. - M: the one in the cellar? Guard! Go to the cellar and take this scroll. - G: immediately sir.- Varian and Ruby follow him. The place gets darker and darker, but they stay away from the man, because the necklace acts as a torch, and they wouldn't want to be discovered. The guard is a coward, afraid of anything, even his shadow, he arrives at the chest containing the parchment. Ruby gets an idea, tells ruddiger and Safiria to frighten him so much that he fainted. The two succeed in the enterprise and the guard passes out on the ground. Ruby takes this parchment and reads, what is written will shock her: The kingdom and the crown will go only to the firstborn of the deceased king the diamond of nuru will not work with anyone else, if the firstborn dies the kingdom will go to the son, if he has no son, the kingdom will go to his brother, if he has no other the stone will choose a good heart, the diamond in its rough state. - R: Varian .... (Ruby opens her mouth wide) I am .. the princess of this kingdom. - Varian is speechless .. V: this is amazing! - R: I know! ah! who would have thought! - R: Varian, we have to take that crown. - Varian takes Ruby's hand: ok we will. - Ruby looks at him for a moment and then smiles. ( continued below)

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