a strange presence

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Varian and Ruby find an easier path to get to the mountain. As they walk a very small voice asks for help, V: we can help you, but tell us where you are. - B: down here idiots !.( A little man with a long beard, and blue eyes, reminded Varian of Shorty) R.: Varian looks, it's right there. - V: What? but .. but is he a gnome? - Ruby helps the gnome stuck by the stone- V: are you hurt friend? B: Don't call me friend! My name is Blubey. - V: ok but don't get angry. B: shut up! V: what .. -. R.: is ... everything ok bluebey ?? B: sure beautiful girl! Ruby tells Varian: he called me beautiful hehe. - Varian gets nervous. - V: ok Ruby now we can go. - B: Stop !! do you want to feel something euphoric? :). - V: NO! R: yeah !! - V: Oh Ruby is a stupid gnome who wants to get attention, in fact she was very rude to me !! - B: I don't like you! V.: me neither! R.: oh come on guys- V - B: ok .. ( Varian and Ruby follow the gnome). B: here is the rainbow beer !! drink a drop and you will see the invisible !! - R: I love it! - V: it must be fun! ..
They come to this river, a river of a thousand colors that seemed to change constantly, Varian hears footsteps, turns but sees no one, hears laughter and sees no one yet, but he remembered those two and their laughter, Ruby was going to drink some of the rainbow river water but Varian stopped her, V: Ruby emh .. maybe it's better if we don't waste time, let's go get the plant. R.: Why? we can not stop for a moment, and have fun, this river I had never seen before! - V: Ruby trust me, let's go! - Bluebay: Idiot don't spoil the moment, and have fun on !! - Ruby stubborn as she may be, decides to listen to Varian. He breathes a sigh of relief. B: ehyy no wait, try !!! - Ruby and Varian leave. It is about to get dark and the two decide to stop and rest. V: it's time to sleep, goodnight! - R.: Goodnight. - 3:00 am, Ruby hears whispers, takes out her father's knife and points it in the air, sees nothing but keeps hearing these whispers, R: Who is there ?! - a male voice: Ruby it's me! - R: Dad? Daddy! (She cries, runs to hug him but he can't, he's a spirit) A: Daddy I love you so much (she says with a trembling voice) - D: I love you too, I don't have much time to talk to you but your mother is in danger, she is pay attention also to Varian.- R.: What? !! What's up, where is she? (The father disappears) R: NO! NO!! (she cries) - V: hey Ruby! Hey I'm here !! Can you hear me! RUBY! , Varian hugs her. - R: Varian I'm sorry but I have to go - V: No! We need to get the plant. R: I don't know what is happening to my mother, she could die, she is in danger. - V: what? And the plant for my father? - R: I don't know what to do. Varian (cries and hugs Varian tightly) - V: don't worry, we'll go there later to get the plant. (Takes Ruby by the hand and they start running)
G: you are an idiot Blue! Your prize will be given to someone else, you had to make them drink that stupid water !! - B: it was all the fault of that baby boy with the blue streak in his hair. - Y: Varian? Mhh is smarter than I thought, will it have a sixth sense? Anyway it's really nice.- G: stop it! Goodbye bluebey you have been really useless. Let's go away Yuma. -B: No wait! Stop emh give me a part and I'll tell you where they're going, please! - G: tell us everything. - B: apparently his father's spirit appeared to her in the night , he warned her about her mother, he says she is in danger. - Y: well well, the daddy gives us a hand ahhahahah. Okay, keep some diamonds. - B: thanks! You are really kind. - Yuma and Gabriel leave.
(We go back to Varian and Ruby) * are running * -MIRIAM! - Miriam where are you ??! - someone yells. Ruby stops and stops Varian. R: Varian .. did you hear? - V: Yes .. - Hanna: Ruby! (Hanna is Duby's aunt, she appeared to be a very mysterious woman, she had very long, curly dark hair, tanned skin, and a Celtic dress, which Ruby often stole from her)
R: * GASP * .. Aunt it's you, oh well. (Hugs Aunt) What's up with Mom, tell me ?! - A: She's gone, we don't know where she is, she hasn't come back since she went to the market. - R: she's in danger .. Marcus, it was him I'm sure, here's those laughs, those two liars, I'm so stupid, I trusted you! - V: Ruby calm down .. - R: NO! Maybe... maybe you were sent by him, you are his follower. - V: No what are you saying ?! I have nothing to do with it. - R: Liar, I don't believe you, I trusted too many people ... - V: Ruby really I have nothing to do with it .. - R: GO AWAY I don't believe you, I don't believe anyone now. Aunt go, I'll take care of it, mom will be back. - A: Ruby No, go home I'll go there. - R.: Don't even think about it, I'll just go, now go home aunt (says in a nasty voice) * starts walking with a sure step * V: RUBY NO! - Ruby's necklace lights up and a force knocks Varian to the ground. V: Ruby ...- (Ruby doesn't breathe and continues the way) * Varian runs to Corona* V: RAPUNZEL !! Tell me where the princess is !!
Captain: Varian! What happens?? - V: I... i need Rapunzel. - C: now the princess can't help you. - V: HOW NOT? I NEED THE GUARDS. - C: The guards are in training for now. - V: What?!? Ok emh .. so can I have Maximus?!? Now! - C: sure. * Varian runs to the stable * V: (what's wrong with them today) V: Hey Max !! Please I need you !! - (Max doesn't listen to him) V: MAXIMUS! (Varian snorts, and an apple comes out, Maximus immediately turns around and takes the apple ,is ready, Varian gets on the saddle and tells Max where to go. They arrive at the forest) V: Can you find her? (Maximus nods his head no) Tears fall on Varian's face, V: I'm so dumb! I can't save her, I have to find her !!! (sighs) He gets off the horse and sits down next to a tree with his arms folded when suddenly a thud breaks the silence. Varian turns but sees nothing while Maximus found something instead, it was Ruby! V: RUBYY! No no! What happened. - R: again you, you hurt me right? - V: Ruby no! * Gasp * you're bleeding from the back of your head. - R : W-what? (She touches her head and sees the blood in his hands, faints) - V: MAX !!! Run for help! Immediately! - Frightened Max immediately runs to the castle, meets Eugene, (Max neighs to explain) E: Varian is dead !!! (Max rolls his eyes, and tries to imitate a girl, Eugene understands, and goes to call the captain, and they set off to find Varian and this mysterious girl, they arrive at the place and find Varian crying hugging this helpless girl, and they all return at the castle) Varian is sad he would like to be with Ruby, but the guards forbid him, they say she must rest and be examined by a doctor. Hours pass, Varian returns to the room where Ruby is, sneaks in from the guards, and finds Ruby lying on the bed, awake staring at the ceiling. V: Ruby .. how are you? (Ruby turns to Varian and starts to cry) R: Varian! I'm so sorry, you ... you saved me, you brought me here and ... I don't know how to thank you, I ... I Lo ... nothing. (Varian and Ruby hug, Varian also begins to cry) V: I didn't know how to find you! (Cries and holds Ruby tightly) V: recover and then .. then we will go to save your mother. - R: I have already recovered thanks to you, let's go (takes Varian by the hand and runs out of the castle) .. (continued below)

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